Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Weekend Iftar @ De Palma Hotel Shah Alam 2016

Menguasai pentas haha

Suasana dlm dewan banquet utk berbuka puasa

5rounds of ice cream!

Seronok sebab makanan melayu semuanya, and ada kambing golek.
Cuma agak terhad and byk tidak di refill.
Mostly into a lil Islamic approach with berzikir, and live nasyid performance.

Weekend Iftar @ De Palma Hotel Shah Alam 2016

Menguasai pentas haha

Suasana dlm dewan banquet utk berbuka puasa

5rounds of ice cream!

Seronok sebab makanan melayu semuanya, and ada kambing golek.
Cuma agak terhad and byk tidak di refill.
Mostly into a lil Islamic approach with berzikir, and live nasyid performance.

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Ramadhan day 17 : Cuti Nuzul Qur'an and week 27 of pregnancy

Today is day 18. 18th Ramadhan already with alhmdulillah sufficient strength to still go on for ramadhan. 17days down for this  27 weeks pregnant mommy. Alhmdulillah. Already everyday ready with some food inside my drawers in case of dizziness or feeling too tired. But alhmdulillah, so far so good. 

Last weekend, we gathered at mom's for iftar and ramadhan celebration, and not to forget, the coming home celebration for my sister; Zakiyya! She came home for good already after nearly 5 yrs in Egypt doing dentistry. She's already 30weeks pregnant by now with her 2nd one, so she was really a tough dough completing her studies on time :) Congratulations Dr zakiyya!

Zaid, zakiyya's firstborn. pak arab betul dia..16kg at 2yrs old

The minute they arrived

I'm just happy that everybody's home. We made some fish dishes; ikan bakar, asam pedas ikan siakanp w bendi (ooo..droooling even now!) and few other dishes to accompany. A fullhouse is a happy house.

 Marvellous mantu by my sis zainab

 Sad that i'll not be here for raya. This raya will be hub's turn and it will be our 7th raya together alhamdulillah :) Baju raya pun xbeli lagi tahun ni, ours and the kids pun. Inshallah weekend ni la.. theme pun xditetapkan. We'll see how

Our raya color themes for previous yrs:

2010 - Newly weds - White!
2011- Grey (with iman)
2012- Turqoise Green (with iman&amsyar)
2013- Peach
2014- Electric Blue
2015- Mustard Yellow
2016 - ?
2017- Inshallah berlima

Hubs yang slalu particular about having themes and synchronized matching colors especially for events and even outings. Dia suka. I'm ok with that so i just follow the flow. Tengoklah tahun ni mcm mana dgr2 nya nak purple. well we'll see :) 12 days more nak raya kan. still ada masa. Tp mcm lain mcm sikit raya this year, im not really in the mood of raya, maybe because of the mood change because of pregnancy, and also the bad experience last time kenduri SIL time raya, pagi raya they had no prep pun, sadis je..sobs. My house kalau raya mmg kalut masak semua..pagi raya mmg siap semua atas meja..and rush for solat sunat raya ;) Mmg meriah celebrationnya. Like last yr, mlm raya me and hubs ke jln TAR balik dkt kul 4am, but still pg raya bgn for celebration ya, no excuse! :) Just hope for the best lah for the raya this year..(still hoping for ketupats on the table with kuah lontong!)

The boys tolong mommy merumput on a off day :) Kemas2 rumah ready for raya

Weekend ni plannya nk ajak family buka puasa di rumah kitorg, tp xtaulah lagi mcm mana.. Kita buat menu raya terus supaya mak buyung tak kempunan utk raya. Kita buat ayam merah, kuah kacang, sambal udang and lontong. Ok set! hahaha merancang bukan main, kita tgk nanti, jgn satu menu je tinggal sudah..hahaha.

Iman with mommy's donut sira. lama xmendonut, dia aje 4 biji telan

Just enjoy the rest of your Ramadhan and make full use of it.
12days countdown y'alls!


Monday, June 20, 2016

Ramadhan Day 15 : Half way already!


Monday blues at its full stroke today. As it was a full wonderful weekend. Cepatlah rabu..nak cuti .
Selamat berbuka puasa everyone! :)

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Ramadhan Day 9 : Routine dh membiasakan diri

Ramadhan day 10 already alhmdulillah. and the below were pics from the days before. Day 8, 9 and before that. All is well, and fasting had became a routine, and if Allah's will I"ll be finishing 10 days today like everybody else despite of the pregnancy :)


Semalam dgn tak bersahur, mmg melepek betul. By 9am dah mcm habis tenaga. Baby pun dah xmenendang seperti biasa maybe depleted bekalan glucous dlm darah. hajatnya klu mmg betul2 rs nk pengsan, baru nak berbuka. By 12, dh lapar betul tp i tried to conserve whatever energy left dgn kurangkan gerakkan and keeping my mind busy with design works. Tiring but quite distracting, so it worked. Dapat siapkan 2model 3d and 1full medium scaled 2d drawing by 3pm! By 4pm dah mmg out, so p jalan2 kat cafe tgk apa lauk ada. Time ni mmg bersungguhlah semua nak beli and semua nampak sedap. I ended up buying some popiahs, and sambal sotong, sayur kailan sikit, which costed me rm10 juga! kata nk cuci mata konon. The sambal was marvellous, berebut2 mkn dgn iman, my hubs xbrapa berehi kata org kelantan. Ptg ni kita on a mission nk p candat sotong di cafe lagi lah...lapar pula rasa.

And...finally by Maghrib I made it! We made it! Lega! :)

These two munchkins mmg tak puasa. Iman jalah dah finished 3 half days as of yesterday, Amsyar with none. baru 4 thn, kencing pun kadang2 terlajak dlm seluar lagi tak apalah. So good for Iman! nanti tuntut duit raya ya drp daddy! I xpaksa, Iman yg sendiri nak berpuasa. Tapi smlm dia mengadu laparlah puasa, iman tak suka puasa puasa. Bila dipujuk kata org Islam kena puasa, Allah yg wajibkan. Allah sayang org berpuasa. Nabi Muhammad pun sayang ummat yg berpuasa. Dah cukup puasa barulah boleh raya! Today, dia kembali bersemangat nk puasa, tapi kita tgk mcmana, belum tiba masa nak paksa paksa puasa :)

But for tarawikh, daddy dah banned these two drp ikut ke surau..hehehe..baru 4 kali ikut kot, tapi mashallah, tak boleh dibawa lagi gamaknya. Kuat main and kacau org yg ada (--") Sorrylah kepada jemaah surau yg lain, anak2 sy mmg excited and suka menghayati ramadhan macam ini..so today, berjemaah dgn mommy ajer. takyahlah ke surau. Mommy mmg xlarat nk berkejar kejar jemaah di surau, so i tend to solat alone in my room yg ada aircond fuhhhh (eksyen kemain nak ekon ekon pula kan?)..alhmdulillah slow and steady, im doing it at OKU phase.he he he..

Alhmdulillah so far so good. Masak mana yang mampu. Sahur pun ala kadar selalunya dgn nasi goreng simple simple je atas request daddy. Mlm ni nak try buat tortillas dgn beef blackpepper ala subway ke utk sahur tukar sikit menu, asyik routine nasi goreng ;p 

Homemade kerabu mangga dgn mangga imported dr blkg rumah mak ;p

Puasa ke-5 aritu, daddy bawak kami semua berbuka buffet di Grand Dorsett Subang. Mmg bagai org ngantuk disorongkan bantal lah dpt peluang berbuka buffet yang ada theme middle-east mcm ni, mostly fusion dishes lah sbnrnya, mandi kambing ada, sup gearbox pun ado. Apa yg i dok teringin nak makan dok ada, so tersangatlah happy :) Yang paling best ada baklava, and roti with cream cheese, hummus, olives and salads. Mmg favorite :) The winner dish for that night was the turkish ice cream/gelato yang perisa strawberry. Mmg thumbs up! Amsyar p ulang 5 cones and then muntah :p Sukalah kan budak2 bila dpt free flow of ice cream mcm tu.. Alhmdulillah rezeki baby, thank you daddy bwk kitorg semua :) Next year bawak lg okeh?

Dah day 10 ni, dah terbiasa berpuasa, alhmdulillah. Mudah-mudahan berkekalan energy level utk terus berpuasa tahun ni wpn mencabar dgn keadaan baby yg active dlm perut, and agak letih sb berat badan yg sgt gebu (--")
Salam Ramadhan ke-10 :)

Keep calm and read Qur'an :)


Thursday, June 9, 2016

Genting Highlands Day Trip 2016

Last weekend before ramadhan kicked in, we had a short day-trip to the nearest point available that Iman and Amsyar has not reached yet : Genting Highlands! Dah ramadhan baru berkesempatan to blog about this.

Genting = Yeay!

Mommy's favorite boys

Despite of the school holidays, the road was quite empty for a sunday afternoon. MRR2 was ok, Gombak -bentong highway was ok. The weather was also on our side, so yay! We made it all the way to the top and reached the peak at 2pm.

Parking inside First World Hotel

Chilling in front of hotels under the breezy weather

The only family picture outside. Chilling at 18degs.

Peek into the future outdoor park

Iman and Resorts World Hotel

Bought some take away Mc Donalds' happy meals and double cheese burgers as expected McDonald far up would cost us a fortune. Then we had a quick bite inside first world indoor park on some benches with a view. The renovation and build was really massive and it is not really a great time to visit Genting these days. The indoor park did made us enjoy some family time tho..but we didn't enter snow world due to the queue. Tak sanggup!

Jom tgk some indoor themepark photos :) The indoor was amusing for the kids. Nice deco and not too large scaled. Pusing2 dah habis. The boys bought some toys here as souvenirs, and by 5pm, we hurdled back down-hill.

There were some Power rangers show going on, but we didnt wait

Power Rangers seems not to be so in with kids nowadays ;p

After few rides and rounds inside the indoor theme park, we headed down to the catch a skycab/cable car near to Goh Tong town going up again. The tix were rm6 per person perway for everyone 90cm and above. so for us we had to pay rm6x4pax x 2ways +6% GST = rm52. The cable car operates from early morning to 12am midnite so that does not worry us much. But riding a cable car across mountains above thick jungle at night is definitely a rare experience. Scary but oklah.. seronok ja..

The boys were definitely happy for a small adventure and venturing around the indoor themepark and sipping some coffee in the open space with cool breeze was really nice :) Nanti dah buka outdoor themepark kita p lagi stay few nights and whatnots.

From inside the cable car

Second cable car experience for the kids. The first was in Langkawi.

Genting was a nice experience for us.
We'll come again. Inshallah.
After the parks are opened!
