Thursday, March 31, 2016


 A very sad news indeed to end the FY 2015/2016

We surely will miss him for the good times and the worst. May this be for the better.


Friday, March 18, 2016

Pendaftaran Darjah 1 2018 di Selangor/Putrajaya

Hello to school holidays!!
Happening this week (11-20th March 2016) but we have not really much plans ahead. The boys are attending normal school holiday daycare (paid of course!) and mommy's working giving way to those with school kids a chance to go off for a school off blast :)

Last week both of us had taken a day off for Iman's school registration and some errands to run in LHDN (ah yes the tax refunding processessssssss) Well alhmdulillah the processes went well.

Iman will be in std 1 in 2018 but he already needs to be registered this year to secure placement. to ease sending and fetching we decided to send him just around our workplace. 10km from home, we do pray he'll get a place here. Amin. All registering processes can be found here in the kpm website.

Senang sahaja sebenarnya, tapi aplikasi ini hanya untuk murid murid yg nak bersekolah di negeri selangor dan putrajaya sahaja. KL pun kena isi manual ya?! ;)

Isi, cetak dan hantar ke sekolah yang di hajati dgn senarai semak dibawah ;) Hantar cetakan tu 14 hari selepas dicetak tau. jgn tangguh :)

Oxytocin Overload! VBA2C with MCMA twins!

Congratulations to both of you! Izyan Liyana and Yasser Helmy. Really happy for a lot of things for you guys and the arrival of the sweet bunch of course! Proving a lot of HUGE accusations wrong.. You're a proud mama now yana and you deserve that. Well always pun before this :)

Trully a great inspiration :)

posted from Bloggeroid

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Kelate _Terengganu Trip 2016

A long dued post for happy-nings in February :) Ahh yes..we went for a long 10days off for Kelantan balik kg trip. The roads were stuffed but it was ok for us as we opt to try out the new LPT2 route which ended near Kuala Terengganu. Then continued off-coastal roads via bachok direct to KB then Pasir Mas. Boy it was a very very long trip back :)

But the 10 days off was just worth it ;) The boys as city dwellers of course loooved the vicinity of their kampung really too much that they didnt want to come back to KL ;p

 Happy faces - Iman(5) , Amsyar(4) and cousin Fira (3)

A long pause of lazy days just resting was really a bliss, after all the works and whatnots, i really do like the idea of just balik kampung and relax. Despite all the tiring journey and the relaxing plan, as always i always had things to plan.

We had some BBQ party somewhere in the middle of the week ;) It was really fun and in conjunction of Iman's pre-birthday celebration as well. not really properly planned we had only few birds marinated by your trully *ehemmm* , some crab sticks and few ball types. Ma made some bihun soup just to spice up the menu, and even bough a surprise mini cake for iman :) tq tokma.

The bbq-ers ;p

Birthday boy and our small family
Half of the clan. Well hubby has 8 siblings what do you expect? ;p

The Kelantan trip was really a jalan2 cari makan food galore for me this time, We had nasi ulam cikgu, some otak otak kelate style near PCB, some colek buah as well. I even had fried quail eggs from a street hawker :) Byk berjalan :)

Nasi ulam cikgu was superb. Everything in for 5 and it was like rm19!!?murahnyeeeeeeeeeee...... well everything (food) was quite cheap over there. Nasi kerabu ayam bakar will cost you rm2 per pack. *pitam*

Pantai cinta berehi ;p

Wakaf che yeh's antics : kelate dangdut and stuffed animals. cheapo!

And of course an overseas trip (across the river) to Thailand :) Just to make the trip complete :) We went to Mundok Town to buy things we cannot get here like cheap hairbands and air pistols ;p and also.....................

 Nice coconut icecream!!!!!!!!!!
Ahaaa....sedap betul yang ini...costing us Rm3 (250 baht).

Well, goodbye Kelate, till we meet again maybe for Raya Inshallah. Bye for now!


ps- both are now bottle-less since 1st march 2016. so one of my 2016 goals is achieved! Yeah...!

Monday, March 7, 2016

About us : Iman, Bisik bisik and whereabouts

Hello there bloggers and blog-walkers!! :)

So how's your life lately? sibuk memanjang kan tak pernahnya tak sibuk, Kalau tak sibuk bukan life lah namanya kan. March dah pun masuk week 2 tp no new entries lagi for this blog this month. So not like me. Well, I'm not really feeling like being me lately. Keadaan kesihatan pun tak berapa mengizinkan. Kalau weekends pun rasa nak memerap and bertakafur diatas katil sahaja. 

This coming weekend byk acara dengarnya (11-13th March). Ada hot air baloon fest di putrajaya and ada MATTA fair di PWTC x silap. Lama dh tak Matta Fair. Untung tau matta fair ni. Packages for hotels/theme parks mmg best best for local trips and also overseas. Kita org Marhaen ni mmg local trips jelah dulu kita aim kan. Nanti tgk klu ada rezeki lebih boleh lah jenguk ke HongKong Disneyland ke Maldives ke Cappadoccia ke. Acewahhhhhh :)

A lot happy-nings and pening-nings happened around us these few weeks jom kita tgk. Tulis sini for the record senang nak tgk balik bila dh post 2-3 yrs akan dtg. Saya mcm tulah. Dah lama baca balik yg lepas lepas. Teringat. :)

Weekend Activity.

Weekend ni daddy'd off duty sebab ada anjurkan tahlil for Arwah Boss dia. A good guy yang suka bagi nasihat kepada hubby. Dia nilah org plg gembira bila hubs bgtau yg kitorg nak kawen (pilu plak teringat). Arwah meninggal 26 feb yg lepas ms kitorg kat kelantan, sb sakit saraf. Moga ditempatkan rohnya dikalangan org2 yg beriman. Amin. Syahdu je bila balu arwah ckp xsangka paklong pergi cepat sgt. Mcm tak percaya. Kami pun xpercaya. Bersyukurlah dgn teman hidup kita selagi dia ada. sekurang kurangnya masih ada teman sebergaduh. *sobs* 

Habis majlis, kami p terjah Cadbury warehouse sale di USJ @19. Mmg xramai org and chocs byk with offers mmg up to 70% off. Bygkan lah zip tu 5 packets rm10. kami pun memborong apa yg patut. klu yg mmg berjualan mmg untung memborong utk jual. rata rata expiry dates end of this year. alhamdulillah rezeki anak anak boleh mkn chocs byk2 :p

Some yang kami borong. Demam chocs kami this mth :0
Sumbangan n penyerahan brg2 peribasi arwah kpd balunya.

Cerita Zulhadzrey Iman

29hb Feb aritu tadika iman buat birthday celebration utk semua February babies :) So mommy pun dgn tak seberapa kudrat sempat buat sikit sikit je goody packs and belikan cake strawberry choc utk iman. Asalnya mommy nak beli football cake tapi dah habis..sobsosbs..sorry iman. Next year taw. Dah besar dah abglong hensem ini. Dah 5tahun umurnya tahun ni, mommy pun dh makin tua.  happy betul dia dah celebration ke-3 kali ni. Amsyar pula asyik tnya asyik birthday Iman je bila birthday dia pula?! hehehe.. 

Amsyar may baby..lg 2 bulan dik birthday adik :) This yr mommy nak plan for a birthday party for adik. Dah 4 yrs old this yr..xpernah buat birthday party besar2 lagi :)

The Birthday Cake

Some mommy-diy goody packs 

With Teacher Ain at school party

Alhmdulillah masuk 5thun ni, Iman dpt teacher yg mmg betul2 dedicated utk mengajar. masuk bulan ke 3 2106 ni Iman dh alhmdulillah pandai membaca. Buku series bacalah Anakku tu dh nk habis series nya. Read Easy pun. Alhmdulillah mmg syukur iman dpt Teacher Ain yg katanya garang. Bagus teacher garang ni, mommy suka je :) 

Dah masuk 5yrs old ni, berkebetulan dgn pendaftaran darjah 1 utk thn 2017/2018. Iman nanti 2018 br darjah 1. Mommy try pilihkan sekolah yg dekat2 dgn opis mommy bg senang apa apa hal nk g tgk or ambil. hopefully masih disinilah 2018 nanti. Kena doa daddy dpt govt at Putrajaya bg senang iman nk school di putrajaya. Doa doa jelah kan. 

Hopefully dptlah sekolah ini. Nak minta sekolah wawasan usj 15 dh xtermasuk kwsn jajahan sobs sobs. takpalah sekolah mana mana pun ok kan. dulu mommy sekolah kg je. ok je. ada yg syorkan masuk sek Hira'or srai 19. kita tgk mcm mana, mommy xbrp berkenan private schools ni. tp kita tgklah mcm mana.

Settle kerja ini and kerja kerja claim LHDN mommy!

Sunday : Lazing day- jalan jalan Kajang and mkn mkn di BISIK BISIK CAFE SEKSYEN 7

Ending our weekends with a lazy Sunday watching Melodi, mkn2 breakfast for lunch sahaja mmg syiok. Dah nak ke ptg tu baru daddy ajak keluar g jenguk paksu Iman di SBP @ Kajang sesambil melawat makcik at Kajang. My mom pun tak ada di salak tinggi this weekend so takdelah kami ke BBST this week. BTW, mak dh dpt tukar ke Kolej Mara Banting, so yippeeeee tak jadi org Kuala Berang dh. Jauh sgt Hulu Tganu tu...penat nk menyampai nyeee :)

Balik Shah Alam lewat ptg tu ajak hubs ke Bisik Bisik Cafe di Seksyen 7 blkg Unisel ni. Favrets sini mmg byk esp Mee Rebus, mee bandung and laksa johor. Kacang Pol and Soto jawa pun ada termasuklah air kathira and ais jagung.

Sedap ais jagungnya mmg faveret kamilah. Minum smpai domam :)

Mee rebus sedap saya bg 4*

Laksa Johor. yang ni pun saya suka
Ais jagung! Sedap ni...

Malam tu balik awal sebab nak kejarkan mentor milenia finals. Congrats Fariz anak Fauzi Nawawi tu. Mmg best presentation dia and slamber je dia present mmg lg best dr Qody and Wanie protege si Black tu. Black pun tersilap pilih konsep utk Wanie esp ms guna lagu lagu arwah Tan Sri P.Ramlee yg mcm lebih kpd persembahan Black bukannya Wanie :)

Budak yang sibuk soh org tgk umah dia. xbagi tgk mentor ;0

Oklah panjang betul entry kali ni. Balas dendam ke apa..hehehehe.. tgk kat bwh tu buah2 fav masa ni cecah kuah makbee tu..tu jelah boleh masuk dgn tekak. Sejuk sejuk buahnya mmg best. Esok mlm ada pasar mlm kita p borong lagi

Till then. See u guys!
