Friday, November 27, 2015

Cerita Tentang Cukup Di Hari Jumaat

Semalam kan final PU (pencetus ummah), adalah terkeluar ayat ni dr one of the PUs. Ayat ni ada yg gelar ayat seribu dinar, ayat menjemput rezeki. Mmg besar and mendalam sgt ayat ni dan ttba mcm rs ada 'ting' dlm hati atas kehidupan slama ini. Daddy peminat rancangan reality, semua pun dia mlm ni mcm lain. Betullah, hidup senang bukan sebab mewah sebab Allah berikan kecukupan.  

Betul kan? Saya taktaulah..dlm hidup dikota ni rmai yg mengejar duit yang mengejar kemewahan tp byk yg terkorban. Sanggup bekerja ditempat yg dia tak suka, buat benda yg dia langsung tak  minat sebab nak kan gajinya. Hari hari hadap pun tak pa janji bayar sedap. Tp hatinya runsing, jiwa nya terpadam. Macam mana pula. Begitulah..


Jom tgk yg sy dpt di wassap. Menarik. Sesuai utk jumaat yg barakah ni :)

Beri jawapan di tempat kosong di bawah ini dan mohon
dijawab dgn jujur di dalam hati masing-masing..

1. Allah menciptakan tertawa dan ______
2. Allah itu mematikan dan ______
3. Allah menciptakan lelaki dan ______
4. Allah memberikan kekayaan dan ______

Kebanyakkan kita tentu akan dapat jawab dgn mudah
iaitu :
1. Menangis
2. Menghidupkan
3. Perempuan
Tapi bagaimana no.4?

Adakah jawapan kita "kemiskinan"???

Untuk mengetahui jawapannya, mari kita lihat rangkaian
firman Allah SWT di dalam Surah An-Najm ayat 43-45,
dan 48, sebagai rujukan:

ﻭَﺃَﻧَّﻪُ ﻫُﻮَ ﺃَﺿْﺤَﻚَ ﻭَﺃَﺑْﻜَﻰ
"dan Dia-lah yang menjadikan orang tertawa dan
(Surah An-Najm : 43).

ﻭَﺃَﻧَّﻪُ ﻫُﻮَ ﺃَﻣَﺎﺕَ ﻭَﺃَﺣْﻴَﺎ
"dan Dia-lah yang mematikan dan menghidupkan."
(Surah An-Najm : 44).

ﻭَﺃَﻧَّﻪُ ﺧَﻠَﻖَ ﺍﻟﺰَّﻭْﺟَﻴْﻦِ ﺍﻟﺬَّﻛَﺮَ ﻭَﺍﻟْﺄُﻧﺜَﻰ
"dan Dia-lah yang menciptakan berpasang-pasangan
lelaki-lelaki dan perempuan. "
(Surah An-Najm : 45).

ﻭَﺃَﻧَّﻪُ ﻫُﻮَ ﺃَﻏْﻨَﻰ ﻭَﺃَﻗْﻨَﻰ
"dan Dia-lah yang memberikan kekayaan dan
(Surah An-Najm : 48).

Ternyata jawapan kita semua betul dalam memberi
jawapan dari no. 1-3, tetapi untuk jawapan untuk no. 4
ramai terkeliru dgn apa yg Allah SWT janjikan.

Jawapan Allah Ta'ala dalam al-Qur'an bukan
"kemiskinan", tapi KECUKUPAN.


Sesungguhnya Allah Ta'ala hanya memberi Kekayaan
dan Kecukupan kepada hamba-Nya. Dan ternyata yg
"menciptakan" kemiskinan adalah diri kita sendiri.

Itulah hakikatnya, mengapa orang-orang yg sentiasa
bersyukur; walaupun hidup serba kekurangan ia akan
tetap tersenyum dan merasa cukup, bukan merasa

Jadi, marilah kita bangkitkan rasa kesyukuran dan
kecukupan di dalam hati dan fikiran kita, berhenti
mengeluh, berhenti mengatakan rezeki kecil, agar kita
menjadi hamba-Nya yg selalu bersyukur.

It has been a long week :) A weekend to look forward to inshallah. A wedding to attend. A special wedding. Of those who are close in my heart.



Tuesday, November 24, 2015

The Kid's Sportsday and Graduation Arif Minda 2015

Hi uols.
Last saturday was the day. After several weeks of practice and couple of rehearsals, it was finally the day :) This time the school management had chose Kompleks Sukan Panasonic, Seksyen 21 Shah Alam as the venue. A nice and popular choice for events in Shah alam. As scheduled we all gathered and registered for attendence after Zuhur. Not a good timing tho, as Amsyar was not really in a good mood as it was his nap time ;p Iman was full of enthusiasm from the beginning of the week so a lil bit sleepy was not really a thing for him :)

tq daddy semua tak pandang ;'(

The marching parade commenced at 2.15 sharp! Kids in all ages (classes) were divided into 4 teams - red, green, yellow and purple, and parents were to wear the similar themed color. There was also a small group of orange team who were the 3yrs olds. Amsyar tho was only 3 joined the 4 years olds tho,It was really nice as most parents came with sport, dressed in color coordination and were seated in the color designated area. This was to ease on cheering :) We were purple team that day! Yeay!! Nice tau. It had been years for not attending a thematic sports we cheered like there is no tomorrow. Haha.. Well, it was only me and hubs in the cheering team this time, as both boys were already participating :)

Really kudos to the teachers who had successfully arranged this. The formation was guite impressively complicated but the kids nailed it. How difficult was it really to control 300+ kids, i cant really imagine! The sportsday cum presentation started with stretching presentation by all students. Stretching was with a cute head and shoulders,knees and toes dance that was really entertaining. We spotted both amsyar and Iman in the front row, and amsyar was standing still refusing to do all gestures in protest. Alolo...he wanted mommy and susu and his nap. Kikikiki... but there were few others in protest too. maybe of stagefreight as well. Geng amsyar lah ni..hehehe.

The formation ...pandailah teachers :)

Amsyar merajuk...far left.depan sekali in purple ;) 

After 2-3 dances/performances then the real sports began ;) The first game was Iman's and Amsyar's! It was to carry a ball with a couple without (i think so) touching the ball. Hands on each other shoulders and run! Laju juga..We cheered and cheered and the  purple team won 2nd place! Yeay.. well the green team who won had short of players that's why they finished first. But who cares. No 2 is ok. Games were on for few other games which are for each category. The 3 yrs old played musical chair..and that was really cute as well :)

Iman and amsyar's game

Yeay...dah dpt medals. jom balik!

We started to make a move at 4.30pm just before the convocation for 6yr olds started. Everyone was already tired and starving as the food prepared by the school was only bread buns and juices. Karipap ke donut ke tarak ;p It was a hot day, but enjoyable for all. Kudos Arifminda! Keep up the good work! 


Monday, November 23, 2015

Monday yay!

Hi peeps! How r u on a Monday?
We finally finished the kids' sports day last sat. I was a nice one..I'll blog about that later

Just a short intro today! Quite excited for the coming wkend tho.we have a wedding to attend! Yay!

Till then.


posted from Bloggeroid

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

WW- Dining Out no no
Im OF COURSE not like this..

Monday, November 16, 2015

Gold Coast Morib 2015 - Repeat 3x dah mai sini

Aha :)

Hello there! Its monday and its raining here in Shah Alam. And everyone's either sleeping or watching a movie in the dark in this office. Yeah, lunch time is personal time kan? So lets continue with our GCR story :)

So..this was our 3rd trip to GCR. Asyik repeat ja sb convenient.Yes. that's the word! :) CONVENIENT! The boys love it, mommy loves the jacuzzi and daddy loves us. Ok lame :p Haha. Monday was a sandwich between sunday and deepavali, so we decided to take leave and go somewhere nearby. yeay! GCR is so really so nearby, its only a 20mins drive away from our home :) The rates is always on discount so one night here only costed us RM168 for a pool view deluxe :) Public holidays and weekends rates differs of course and super peak seasons can triple up the cost of the same room :)

The hotel was full house by the way on a Sunday evening. Well, maybe most ppl decided to go for the sandwiched day for leave as well ;)  

8-9th November 2015

Alhmdulillah, we got a room on level 4 with a magnificent view prior one week prebook. You can always contact GCR beforehand for booking and they're quite helpful tho of being handfulled.

Our room view :) Level 4. Room 2434. Nice!

So some selfie poses :) The boys mcm biasa cannot wait anymore for the pool :) The room price i paid for only made us eligible for 2 waterpark tix and 2 breakfasts, so for the boys, we had to purchase seperate waterpark tix. For children 90cm till 12yrs old, waterpark tix was only rm15/pax. For adults it is rm21/pax if not mistaken. But its worth it la as for in-house guests, the tix could be used for two days (2d1n stay).

The room we got this time was much cleaner than before. Oklah, im not a fusser, so this was ok for me, and we asked for double beds for the 'extra' bed space when being combined together :p Yang penting, pool view! :)

The jacuzzi! Favorite mommy nih! Extra hot, extra bubbles..and tv facing :) Syok tuh..2jam pun takpa. Well of course after the kids dah pengsan! :)

The nice thing of this hotel is the waterpark lah. Its not too big nether too small. Just nice for small kids and not too adventurous for not so young parents. Slides are nice and plentiful, even mommy had a fair share of rides.

This was one of fav slides for both Iman n amsyar :) The few first mommy n daddy kena teman. Masuk yg ke 18kali siap slide kepala dulu (--") mommy yg seriau takut jatuh ke tepi or whatnot.

So puaslah juga mandi for 3hours+. Hitam berkilat semua. We checked in around 2-ish and got down at 3.30 mcm tu. 6.45pm baru nak naik. The pool closes at 7pm. Alhmdulillah tak hujan tak mendung, the weather was on our side that day :) By 7.30pm both kiddos dh pengsan keletihan. A huge banana bread, oreo and susu, tuptup pengsan. So we cancelled our dinner plans and resumed our maggi in cup tepi balcony ja.. :)

The next morning was an early one. The boys have slept for 11hrs+ woke everybody up for breakfast at 6-ish! :) Breakfast was served in the cafe and under a white camp near the sea and was full. Yalah what do you expect for a full house. The food was a bit lousy, and not much in choices. Adalah nasi lemak, bread n butter, pastry sikit, cereals, hmm.. dimsum. Not really a thumbs up. The management maybe should do some improvement on this. But the boys, having to be too early to bed, ate like a champion! Bagus. Rezeki allah, jgn mengeluh. Makan seadanya. Tak suka jgn makan, jgn keji.

Post breakfast walk

Photo taken by iman. oklah..masuk mommy and daddy ;p

Checkout was at 12noon. We checked out, and kept few things in a separate bag..and...



The boys not wanting to leave!

Dekat 5 o-clock baru bertolak balik. tu pun sebab hujan :) There's plentiful of changing rooms near the pool of course and not all waterpark guest are in-house guest, so no prob to continue after check-out :)

Tu jelah kot.
Worth the money for a short stay.

3.5* for you :)

Friday, November 13, 2015

6 days out of office! Hehe

Holla! :)

Jumaat dah kite ek? Sekejap je. Pejam celik dh one week off. Bukan off pun sebnarnya. Off day nya 1 hari je. Then continue for Deepavali. Pastu cont pula dgn training out of office. Training yg best tp penat sikit rs otak. Maybe utk higher level dan i is muda lagik xtercapai akal sikit nak buat activities. The trainer pun boleh tahan best talk and training nya, a chinese guy by the name of Garry Chow.

Daddy took a 3days off for the long weekends, so we got the chance bwk the kids swimming and main pool just nearby. Mula plan nak try tgk what's hot in Bayou Lagoon Melaka, tapi tak jadilah. Next year inshallah. So where to? Gold Coast sahajalah. More convenient and just 20mins drive from home. hehehe. I think maybe i'll write about GCR in another post.

So on Saturday, we had a small gathering in Nilai Impian for mom's 33rd anniversary and the cake cutting for my handsome nephew Hamza! Yups hamza is already 1. Mashallah. And expecting a lil sister(inshallah) soon! :) I cooked some nasi lemak and mom ordered some pizza. And its just nice having to gather all of us eating and all. 

Iman hijacking Hamza's cake :P

Penat pun habis terubat bila jumpa semua. The weeks all hectic these days. nak blogging pun curi curi masa. and it was really a relief dpt go out for training once in a while. I really was into meeting new people and opening up into learning new things, so there are a few things that i find really eye opening throughout my 2-days training. Of people and of behavior in actual. I dont know, maybe perhaps i'll look into any opportunities to study about human behavior, interesting eh? Maybe just for the sake of learning. Nak apply to work pun boleh lah celah2 sikit selit tp not that related lah. We'll see how. Berangan tak salah kenn??

Mom, Maksyu Kinah, Pakngah Husein and the kids.
 I hope mak gets her KL position back by this year end. It really wears her out travelling twice a month at least KL to Kuala Berang, Terengganu. My MIL nak jln jauh setahun skali pun dh tak larat, and they're quite the same age. 33years already together with 6 kids, 3 son-in laws and 4 cucus (and one more on the way), she sure had all the stories to tell about life and marriage challenges.

Sambal ayam yg terpekat..oppss sorry.

Sometimes, having the time to just relax and wind out just makes you think, what else you wanted in life? What really matters to you? What you really want to have in your bucket list? Are you really happy if you get things you wanted? Are you really happy to have more or does it really make you happy when you have less and give out more? Well, the coffee and maggi cup sessions on the hotel balcony with my dear hubs is really things i look forward to in my holidays sessions. And pools that is safe and excites the boys (daddy incl), hence the repentance to GCR hahaha. Well the warm jacuzzi midnite dips skali la. I told hubs, i would like a jacuzzi for my next birtday. I saw few at home pro ioi citymall last time for 4k. He just rolled his eyes..haha. Best apa? heeeee.. 

Till then,
Have a nice weekend peeps!



Friday, November 6, 2015

Kerja and weekdays cooking. Resipi sambal kicap johor dan soto ayam!

Hi uols.


Ready for a long diwale hols? Im taking a day off on Monday! So we'll have a 4 days off! Coincidentally, Iman's school is off on monday as well so the unplanned cuti was unavoidable pun :) So let's all cheer up and celebrate! hehehe

These few weeks were really stressful. I had tones of work with tones of things to think of and analyze which needs time and brain use. So each day i came back home really tired. And doze off immediately on the couch 6.30-7.30 sometimes 8! Oh my. Then barulah i start cooking. Penat2, kalau masak for me is always a kind of therapy. Last two days i made ayam goreng kfc style. Smlm i made mihun soto! haaaa..tetiba je dah siap! terkejut my hubs..haha. I guess kadang2 bila stress the adrenaline pumps much faster. The rush makes you really do things quickly and somehow better. Betul tak.

Guys really dont get it kan when girls multitask. I can do few things simultaneously on my pc and still deliver the results as expected. And they are like, hey takbuat kerja ke? Padahal kita baru abes analyze data yg dia dh 3hari 3mlm hadap x paham2. you get what i mean? Lepastu sibuk nk kata kita. I bet every girl knows that guys a really great gossipers as well, betul tak? Working in a guy's world mmg kena hadaplah hari2 mcm ni. 

The thing is, i love my job. I can be happy on mondays doing my job but i really dont like to show it sebab nanti im the only pelik one. kikikiki. I love doing things at my discretion and judgement, that is a big freedom of choice i have. My boss is not the boss from hell tho sometimes i hate him and i feel he secretly hates me..hahaha. But he lets me do things the way i think and that's really really great. So yeah, the pay is the pay lah..dont expect 5figures in 10years, and marketing is doing nothing but yeah i like what i do, and that matters.

It's friday kan? Byk lah sikit bebel. Malas nk keluar lunch etc coz smlm dh puas bersushi. btw the rm3 per plate sushi king galore ended yesterday so nothing to hail out here dh today. hahaha. byk dh cerita, lets share the simplest soto recipe and sambal kicap ala johor that i used. boleh try nanti tau.


  • Dengan menggunakan lesung, tumbuk 15biji cili padi, 3 ulas bwg putih dan satu biji kecil bawang merah.
  • Tumiskan dlm sedikit minyak hasil tumbuk td hingga keperangan dan angkat
  • Campurkan kicap, garam, gula dan air secukup rasa.

  • Rebuskan daging dan ayam bertulang didalam satu periuk selama satu jam. Saya guna 1/4 ekor ayam dan 100g daging.
  • Dgn lesung, tumbukkan 5 ulas bwg putih, sebiji bwg besar, 2 sdk biji ketumbar, seinci halia dan setengah inci kunyit hidup. Tumiskan campuran ini dlm kuali berasingan, dan campurkan ke dlm renehan ayam tadi.
  •  Masukkan sedikit cengkih dan 1sdk rempah kurma.
  • Reneh lg 1jam. taburkan bwg goreng dan daun sup sebelum hidang.
  • Makan bersama bihun yg dicelur, ayam carik, ketupat/nasi impit, suhun goreng (takdek plak), sayur of choice (sawi/taugeh etc), telur rebus dan of coz sambal kicap! :)
Selamat mencuba! and selamat bercuti diwale semua!!!!!!!!!!!



Thursday, November 5, 2015

Sate Willy Seksyen 7 Shah Alam

Recommended! :)

Betullah sekali rasa mmg xmau dh p Stae Hj Samuri. Priced at RM1.00/pc mmg worth it! :)