Friday, August 28, 2015

Homemade Nugget Ayam Cheesy

This is my first try for this chicken nuggets/balls and alhmdulillah it turned out ok. Yeay! Hehehe. I put just 5tbs of flour in this mixture but i will add a lil bit more next time i do this because i like a much 'cakey' texture in my nuggets. And next time ill blend the onions, garlics everything instead of going chopchop :)




500g Minced chicken (i used Ramly)
1 potato grated
1 clove of garlic(blend)
1 small sized onion (blend)
1 tsp oregano flakes
1 tsp black pepper powder
5-6tbsp flour

Salt to taste


1 egg
Breadcrumbs to coat (i used bakery bought ones)
3 slices of cheddar cheese cut into small bits to stuff


1. Oh this is so easy. Add everything in a* into a bowl and mixed thoroughly into a paste. You can add in some more flour but not too much if the dough is still sticky.

2. Make the paste into small balls and stuff a piece of cheese in the middle. You'll get around 50-60 small sized balls. Use cookie cutters if you like.

3. Coat in beated egg one by one and then the breadcrumbs and leave aside for awhile before starting to deep fry.

4. Deep fry in medium heat for 3-5mins.

5. Serve hot! Sedap. You can freeze half so that you can eat it anytime u wish :)

Selamat Mencuba :)

This weekend will be a looong weekend yeay! I have to finish up the hantarans as im really running out of time! Selamat bercuti semua! Happy merdeka day and may all happiness returns!

ps- we plan to hit the beaches this monday just to take the day off. What's yours?


muka 6pm everyday! muka dh letih :)

Thursday, August 27, 2015

What women see

Driving back home after picking up the kids, we came to a junction waiting to cross. A yellow car passed in front of us. The windows weren't tinted so i could see clearly a young woman in black scarf and sunnies was driving.
Then hubby broke the silence.

Hubs : Fuuuuhhh cantik mira ni. Dah tua pun cantik!
Me : Huh? Mana? Eh abang kenal ke dia?
Hubs : Kenal kenapa pulak?
Me : Yelah tak pernah nampak pun. Kawan abg ke?
Hubs : Kawan??


Me : Mira celah mana plak lah ni. Ada ada je tau
Hubs : Eh mira tu kereta tu lah. Kancil mira.
Me : Ha? Kancil mira?
Hubs : Yalah. Ingat mira mana plak ni???
Me : Ingat yang pkai spec dlm kancil kuning tu!!!!!!
Hubs: ????!!!!!!!!


Jaga jaga. Perkataan cantik tu bahaya tawwwwwwwwww
I is very the menyampah.


apa barang mira. nyampah tawwwww..

Esok jumaat!

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Resipi Daging Masak Hitam Senang

As ramai yang tanya kita letak sini supaya senang kawan and adik adik kita nk rujuk. Daging hitam ni sedap mkn dgn nasi tomato, nasi minyak, nasi arab. Semalam buat nasi minyak so mmg kenalah sgn daging hitam ni. Senang sgt tau. Jom buat!


Bahan-bahan :
500g daging -potong dan rebus sampai empuk
2biji bawang besar
1/2 labu bawang putih
1/2 inci halia
10 sdb cili giling/ciliboh
1 sdb serbuk jintan putih (cumin)
1/4 cwn kicap manis
rempah tumis 3 sekawan - bunga lawang, kayu manis dan buah pelaga

minyak utk menumis (dlm anggaran 2senduk)
garam n gula sesedap rasa

boleh masukkan kentang dan tomato jika suka

Cara-cara :

1. Blend bawang putih, bawang besar dan halia.
2. Panaskan minyak dan tumis 3 sekawan diikuti bahan yg di blend sampai naik bau.
3. Masukkan cili giling dan tumis smpai pecah minyak.
4. Masukkan kicap manis dan masak sampai pekat, masukkan daging beserta air rebusannya skali. Masukkan serbuk jintan.
5. Sampai cukup pekat, perasakan dgn garam dan gula.
6. Siap! Sedap dimakan dgn nasi panas.

Sedap ni :)
Cuba taww



Monday, August 24, 2015

Yeay Amsyar! You've made it!

Congaratulations to Zulhafidzey Amsyar.

Fully diaper-less (potty trained) at 3yrs and 2 mths! Phewwwwwwwwwww...lega mak.

Finally. Mommy dh lama tunggu moment ni. and the manja nature as he is..i am truly in gratitude that he's already pass this stage! A bit late than supposed to. (Abg Iman passed this at 30mths!) Yeay! Now nak ajar to clean himself after poopoo je. Then Im done! This round :) So no diapers anymore. Bye bye jumbo packs of Drypers, Diapex Huggies you name it! 


*chicken dance*

Let's celebrate this weekend ya. Kita ajak daddy p picnic! Yess merdeka picnic jomm!

Friday, August 21, 2015

Campur campur caca marba

Hello lovelies!!!

Salam jumaat :)
Love the fact that its Friday already yeah!! Hehe.

I  took an emergency leave yesterday telling the team amsyar is not well. And in fact that he is oklah dh, dah kebah alhmdulillah. And I sent him to school to treat my big baby..aiyoo. Day 4 working night shift, he's all cranky and demam already.yelah balik nk peluk bini, bini kerja. manja nau baby besar ni. We went on a big fight the day before, so takpelah..mommy ambil cuti lah emergency nk jaga awak ni ha. Well, that's what spouse do for their spouses kann? (kalau boss baca nih matiklah..) I cooked and cleaned and put my big baby to bed and was free after. The boys were at school and i had the house all to nyaaaa..then i was thinking of how all nice, sugar and spice it would be if i had a girl kan. takdelah all guns and soldiers and robots and ultramen kat rumah ni kan? Tgk pics anak che ta..mmg bestnyaa... 

miss my baby masa he was a real baby ;p

Ok stop. No babies for now. No no no :p Tetiba ;p

Life's manageable so far with daddy working night red punchcard so far for this week (phew! today was 7.55!) with Iman and amsyar all cranky and all. But thank God its only for this week. No more please daddy ya? still working on my new hantaran project, so let me give you some teaser! Mmg taksiap apa pun lg. Nak buat design cermin cermin tapi xcukup bajet so this will be the theme that i really hope suits hubs sis yang mmg muda sweet 21 baru :) 

So what's your weekend plan? since syawal has come to it's end and we're heading off to Zulhijjah for Eidul Adha already. And we plan to visit an old friend of mine tho post raya tapi xpelah..hehehe. I ordered myself few on sale books as well today just to treat myself. Oh ya..i treat myself with books, not handbags thats how nerd i am. So if you got time boleh lah jenguk2 PTS ni. They have great sales going on now! Click here. Talking bout sales byk sales going on and ends this weekend juga (minggu belom gaji nih!urgh!) like IKEA SALE, Poney Warehouse Sale Seri kembangan and also mothercare sales! Mak mak sangat semua sales nya ya..hehehehe :)

So see ya! 

**i do wish my friend bloggers blog more about themselves these days. macam semua update ig and fb je lately and no blogpost  no more :)


Wednesday, August 19, 2015


Hello mommies! Hari yang sangap and merindui anak2..tambah sangap bila member office hour chitchatting pun kebetulan MC today. urghhhh.. Kat luar pun hujan lebat sangat menambahkan kesyahduan tghari rabu mcm ni. Pagi tadi siap byk juga kerja. byk lg xsiap tp wpp sangap dpt menyiapkan tugasan utama yg dh dpt greenlight dr Director Division (alhmdulillah!), still sangap taktau kenapa.. Maybe inner stress sebab laki i keroje mlm! Adoi. 

So these days i have to do A to Z everything to get iman and Amsyar to school on time! Huhuhu...supermom cape mode ON! Yelah i ni jenis #clingywifey semua laki buat esp in the morning rush. Tugas I in the morning, kemas bags, iron everybody's outfit and arrange them in order! Kejut the 3guys...Then ill pack the breakfast packs. Siapkan diri I, and tunggu dlm kereta. Ha. 

Yang lain semua cik abe settlekan dr mandi anak, pkaikan baju, style kan rmbut, buat susu, buka pintu and pagar, and lock them back. hmm syukurlah dah 5thn begini kan zahra..nak nangis lah bila semua kna buat sendiri. padahal org lain??? Begitulah. hmmmmmm.  

Cepatlah weekends! Nak spend time with these two. Plan this week nk blk umah mak, tp tgk lah mcm mana. I really need my time off cepatlah 31 ogos i nak abeskan kemas umah and siapkan project hantaran. Oh ya,, i have hantaran jobs to do for my SIL and we are going to have bulubulu theme (I chose that! haha). Kita buat colors yg mmg sgt girly girly pink with putih dgn ribbons, lace, feathers and all. yeay! Haih bilatah nak dpt buka kedai pengantin idaman tah,, doing what i love most. Ni mlm2 dh penat tgk hantaran pun dh xde mood. Hubby keroje lagilerr rs kelaut jeeeeee... manja nau nau kan akak ko sorang ni.

Weekend ni juga nak catch up with few old friends. last weekend my school bff came to our house beraya wpn dh masuk zulkaedah tp no prob everyday is hari raya. happy tau kengkawan dtg rumah wpn teratak i beginilerrrr..sofa pun dh koyak koyak malas beli baru tggu anak besar dlu. Tgk gambar bwh ni. this was us 10yrs ago. Klasiklah gambar dedolu. i nak g umah ayu this weekend bwk pendrive nak simpan segala kenangan zaman uni yg ada. ayu ada pc dh kaput kna sambar kilat 7yrs ago. Haihlah ms ni kurus sikitlah dr skrg adelah 20kg kurang (--") hahahahahahahahahahaa.,,,kurus byk eh ;)

Bebel bebel je arini. cerita ceriti sikit. main point is cepatlah weekends..haha. nampak sgt pekerja cemrlang kann..baru rabu dh nak cpt weekends! hahaha. ok lah, byk bende nk plan nak buat weekends ni yeay! jomm mommies plan! yelah kita kan mmg priority hidup is to liven up the weekends kan? Weekday works ni adalah untuk survive and pay for the weekend life ;p saje je gurau gurau.. Till then 



Tuesday, August 18, 2015


I got this from a blog that i swear i had bookmarked, but when i try to find it back to give credits. hilang T_T

I hope the owner of this ilmu she wrote gets the pahala of what she had benefited others. My mom is no large quantity cook! My maklong (paternal aunt) and mak njang (maternal aunt) are great cooks. But the chef of honour skills really is with my Grandmother in law..hubs grandma, I learned few things already from her, but after my 1st anniversary, she had fallen sick and was bed ridden until today. I sticked on asking most of the things from her before, untill she remembers no more recently. Rugi sangat! But what she had told me is no different of what this blogger wrote. Lets share :)


1. Cara-cara untuk memasak dalam kuantiti yang banyak terutama jika kita hendak memasak nasi buat makan 50 orang. Ayam berapa ekor,daging berapa kilo. Jika memasak ayam atau daging okkah tidak memasak pada malamnya .sebelum majlis besoknya?

2. Secara amnya, terdapat beberapa faktor yg perlu diambilkira bila menyediakan jamuan yg melibatkan tetamu yg ramai. Biasanya orang-orang di kampung makan lebih banyak nasi dari orang-orang di bandar?

3. Contohnya, nasi utk orang kampung seramai 50 orang adalah 16 pot (tin susu beras yg kecil, lebihkurang 280 g = 1 pot) manakala utk orang bandar seramai 50 orang adalah 14 pot. Jika tetamu itu semuanya dewasa atau separuhnya kanak-kanak, puan perlu membuat perubahan yg perlu.

4. Jika purata 50 orang = 15 pot = 4.2 kg beras. Jika beras Basmathi (utk nasi beriani, nasi minyak, nasi tomato dll) perlu dilebihkan kerana berasnya tidak kembang seperti nasi biasa.


6. Bagi ayam pula, bergantung pada saiznya. Lazimnya, utk membuat kari atau kurma, kita memotong seekor ayam menjadi 12 bahagian. Seandainya seorang mengambil satu bahagian, kita perlukan 4 1/2 atau 5 ekor. Perlu diperhatikan di sini, kari juga mempunyai kentang, tomato dll yg akan “menambah” lauk kari itu sendiri.

7. Untuk daging, terpulang pada berapa keping atau ketul yg dipotong. Selalunya, utk 50 orang, puan perlukan 3-4 kg daging. Untuk rendang, mungkin lebih sedikit. Dapatkan daging batang pinang yg mudah empuk. Jika memasak kurma atau kari, masukkan ubi kentang anggaran 2 kg.

8. Manakala bagi sayur, bergantung juga pada jenis resepinya. Selalunya, jikalau hendak membuat acar mentah (jelatah), gunakan 5 biji timun, 4 batang lobak merah dan 3 labu bawang besar. Semuanya adalah anggaran kerana sukar utk mendapatkan sukatan yg tepat (kecuali seseorang itu membuat perniagaan “catering”)

9. Jika ingin memasak ayam untuk Masak Merah, contohnya, adalah boleh menggorengnya terlebih dulu pada malamnya dan mengisar semua bahan yg diperlukan sebelum menumis keesokan paginya. Untuk kurma atau kari, boleh juga mengukus ayam yg dicampur sedikit garam dan diletak di dalam loyang (supaya airnya boleh terkumpul) pada malamnya sebelum dimasukkan ke dalam kuahnya (yg ditumis pagi hari). Daging untuk rendang lazimnya dimasak pada malamnya kerana ini akan membuat rendang itu lebih enak. Ini adalah sebagai panduan asas. Bila kita sudah seringkali menyediakan makanan utk tetamu yg ramai, dengan sendirinya akan menjadi lebih arif.

10. Usah terlalu risau jika makanan tidak mencukupi ,di nasihatkan agar menyediakan bahan asas membuat Mee/Bihun Goreng, contohnya, kerana jika tetamu datang lebih dari jangkaan (nasi/lauk habis cepat), kita berupaya menghidangkan Mee/Bihun Goreng dalam “sekelip mata.”

11. Di anggarkan 1 paket mee (500 g) adalah utk 5-6 orang dewasa (100 g seorang). Sila ambil kira jikalau ada makanan lain yg turut dihidangkan.


Selamat Menjamu! :)

Monday, August 17, 2015

Raya Raya Chassis Family 2015

 Salam Monday mommies!

Penutup syawal thn ni, kita akhiri dgn jamuan raya famili chassis. Bertempat di Maidah Cuisine Cafe Putra Heights, USJ, last saturday everything was really nice and went as planned. Altho we didn't get any lucky draw hampers this year, i was really happy with the crowd and the cooperation that was given by the mommy team for the potluck table this year. Yeay! Kudos for the organizing team! The boys had fun wpn iman sedikit xsihat and was vomiting earlier that day. Thanx adzly for the pictures as well. Let us just have a look on the pictures of the event :)

My boys :)

Cantik rmbut amsyar ;p  Iman was not feeling well.kesian anak mommy 

Daddy w amsyar :)

The next generation :)

The woman. and lil azlan luqman

The main players for chassis. Oppss yg dpn skali tu bkn. yg tu slalu kasi boss pening ;p

Some family Potrait :)

Our big family potrait

Thank you those making this a success! Kuddos!

All i did, was to come :) And make some serawa durian for the potluck table, The food was marvelous and nice. Tahun depan buat lagi ya :) Boleh tmbah acara kanak2 utk lbh meriah sb they were running in the surau to kill the time..klu atur games maybe lbh menarik :)

Next Project! : Art of Frame Hanging!

Happy Monday mommies!

Lets learn something today.
There is actually an art called the art of frame hanging! Yes. The visual art that sets your frames looking pleasant and nice to look at.

These were taken from pages in my FB feed. May it benefit me and you. Lets do some wall decorating this coming weekend! :)

The followings are for rectangles and squares.

Staircase :)

Frames in line (not same size)

Frames behind a seatee or sofa

Multiframes behind a sofa

Happy decorating! :)

Friday, August 14, 2015

Weekends! Yeay!

We are going! Yeay! And finally this shall remain our tradition in putting silaturrahim 1st with work colleagues ;) If you're coming...see you there taww.

This week, the boys were asking by daily basis, esok sabtu ke (wahhh menurun perangai omak betul!) ? Belum syg esok school lg. Iman nak g beraya rumah kwn mommy. bila nk hari sabtu? Ye nakkk...kita buat countdown! Last week, we went south to north beraya sakan. And on Sunday i was so excited one of my friend came to our small house, i forgot one birthday invitation from Iman's school mate. Ahahaha...xpelah xde rezeki tu nakk...instead, after one house, we went to the playground sebab dh janji kalau behave the day before at my friends house, kita boleh g playground. And yes, of course he remembers it!

Kita g je playground yg indoors, yg selamat, yg dekat, yg mommy boleh handle sorg2 :) Kerja teruk these days. smlm i clocked out at 7.20pm! And picked up the boys at 740pm! Adoilahhhh...

Weeekends are finally here! Mashallah!

Have a nice weekend mommies!



Love is...

and finally

Alhmdulillah..5yrs and counting.To the many many years to come .inshallah:)

Cute kan? Taken from facebook :)

Happy Friday peeps.
Its Syawal the 29th already! ;)