Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Welcoming GST for all of us! Tomorrow!

GST which is also known as VAT or the value added tax in many countries is a multi-stage consumption tax on goods and services. GST is levied on the supply of goods and services at each stage of the supply chain from the supplier up to the retail stage of the distribution.

The array of pictures above quite sums up few things of what is the basics of GST, from our government view. Yups from the govt view. For all of us, we'll sum it all not too soon for now. It is tomorrow :) Accept or not. Ready or not. Here it comes! Some other information are already being summed up here.

For us, we haven't stacked up our diapers and milk supply yet. Not merging into the panicking group of consumers yet. But, the question is, are we really panicking? Why should we, or why shouldn't we? It is really quite difficult to answer.

With or without GST, price will still hike up and never shall go down.This is Malaysia. Sobs.

But fret not lah.
We're not the only ones. Diorg dh lama implement. And hidup lg jerr (yeahhh...right)

Submitted already our KPI End year evaluation form for FY2014/2015. Just praying we get a higher than 6% pay raise this yr to pay all the GST. Sobs. Just pissed off as well, when all grocery shops nearby my house were out of sugar yesterday that made me buy rock sugar to cook! Urghh..

Sobs sobs sobs.
Lets just pray our country rulers/governors dibukakan hati utk jujur memerintah dan mentadbir duit yg dikutip dr rakyat juga.


Pray for our survival.
Yg penting rezeki kena berkat.


Monday, March 30, 2015

Resipi Karipap senang

Monday peeps!!
Assalamualaikum wbt :)

Mundane lagi ke? Disebabkan td mkn nasi berlaukkan ikan patin yg best tp kuahnya yg xberapa best..,maka teringatlah kepada karipap yg berjaya difrozenkan smlm. hmm xberapa berkait disitu..tp takpelah. jom kita tulis resipe ni supaya tak lupa dah :)
Belum digoreng. hasil mommy and iman and amsyar ni


Utk kulit :-

1/2 kg tepung gandum
1sudu kecil garam
2 sudu besar marjerin/butter
1 sudu besar minyak masak
1 cawan air suhu bilik

Cara saya -

Panaskan marjerin n minyak diatas dapur sampai marjerin cair. Campurkan kedalam tepung dan gaul sampai membentuk 'breadcrumbs' effect. Tambahkan garam tadi. Setelah dpt effect itu, tambahkan air sedikit demi sedikit dan adjust hingga dpt adunan yg boleh diuli.


Utk inti :-

3-4 biji kentang didadu kecil
1 biji bwg besar dicincang
3ulas bwg putih dicincang
50g daging dicincang halus (boleh juga guna ayam)
1 sdB serbuk kari
1 sdB susu pekat manis (ini rahsia saya ;p)
Garam secukup rasa
tak perlu gula sebab dh guna susu pekat
minyak masak 2sudubesar utk menumis

Cara saya-

Tumis kan bwg bwg hingga naik bau dan masukkan daging tadi. Setelah masak dagingnya bolehlah dimasukkan serbuk kari dan di tumis hingga naik baunya. masukkan susu pekat dan sedikit air. kcau lagi dan masukkan kentang. masukkan air lagi sampai menutupi paras kentang. masak hingga air kering dan kentang empuk. perasakan.

Bolehlah dicanai doh tadi, dimasukkan inti dan dikelim tepinya. Canai nipis2 utk efek rangup. Goreng dlm minyak dgn api sederhana.

Hidangkan panas kepada mak mertua! :)

Walaupun rupanya tidak indah tetapi karipap ku smlm habes licin dek kerana ptg yg hujan :) Senang je kan? Boleh buat lagi lain kali :) Buat byk byk dan frozenkan ajer :)

Dan biasalah hari isnin..mommy rindukan anak2 mommy. Cepatlah 5.30pm. Wlaupun byk task yg xsiap lg and PMS-KPI yg tak berisi, mommy dh tak kuasa dh nak mengisi beria sgt. Isi ikut suka..sbab sebenarnya boss tahu siapa bekerja dan tak bekerja ;p

Iman lukis last few days ago.
Mommy katanya. See the eyes and nose details. This was such a #momazing moment for me *shedtears* . 4years to draw such things are quite amazing for me :)

He says this is mommy..hehehe
Have a marvellous monday uolls!
Sending all the positive vibes to all of you out there!



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Friday, March 27, 2015

Mee Rebus Sotong Batu 12 Puchong

Minggu ini makan sahaja. Pastu kita komplen baju dh makin kecil :P Jom kita rekemen satu tempat mkn sedap kat puchong :) This one is really a winner. Sedap mcm saya suka. And boleh pilih nak tambah sotong or ayam. Ada juga menu mee rojak and rojak ayam and mee goreng :)

Mee rebus sotong saya RM5.50

Sedap yg ini. Saya bg 4 bintang! Mmg puas hati. Kedai nya kecil sahaja dan menunya terhad. tp rsnya mmg umppphhh :)  Worth to try :) Kalau tak sedap jgn marah saya :)
Puchong kat mana? Haa..kat kg perahu opposite kg kenangan batu 12 puchong. Kalau dr shah alam/usj ke puchong, lokasi dia seblum tol plaza LDP tu. Peta nya ada bwh ni :)



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Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Sayu rasa hati

Hati saya mudah tersentuh sejak kebelakangan ini. Kadang kadang terasa bagai ini satu cara Allah menginsafkan dan mengingatkan kita dgn pinjaman pinjaman dr Nya.

Baru semalam sy membaca satu artikel mengenai tanggungan dan isteri yg menggalas beberapa tanggungan isi rumah yg menjadikan isteri kadangkala rasa terbeban. Bukan satu artikel yg baik tp cukup menarik kerana ada kisah penceraian diatas sebab yg sebegini. Tinggal di tengah kota metropolitan mmg membuatkan kita tidak boleh tidak until sama2 menyumbang utk ekonomi keluarga, tp semua mestilah disulami dgn give n take.

Saya bekerja atas dasar sy suka menjadi wanita berkerjaya. Ada kwn2 yg mmg bercita2 menjadi surirumah sepenuh masa dan bekerja utk membayar hutang lapuk. Jadi kepenatan bekerja menjadi satu kepuasan bagi diri saya :) Berbanding dgn upah yg diterima di atas kerja kita td.

Tp ada juga masa2 yg kita yg sudah penat, jd kurang sabar dgn kerenah anak2. Terutama hari2 yg mencabar *sigh* lumrah manusia. Waktu waktu inilah syaitan merasuk hati, mengungkitkan hal2 yg tak sepatutnya. Mencemarkan ketulusan hati isteri yg bekerja dgn kebencian kpd suami sendiri. Why u can't give me more. Why I don't get diamond rings like milah rumah seblah.contoh. Why can't I just stay at home. Why their house is bigger than ours. Why why why ..semua keluar.padahal bkn ada kurang pun dimana mana. Semua seperti biasa saja.

Semua kerana sudah penat. Terpengaruh yg bukan bukan.

Baru je nak mengajukan permintaan menukar sofa baru ptg td, kami dikejutkan dgn khabar kwn sekerja meninggal di gilis lori..tag kerja masih dileher.baru 5min yg td kata mereka.Allah ambil sekelip mata. Allahhu...Akbar! Kami masih dlm kereta, baru pulang kerja juga.


Sedih, sy peluk suami.
Syukur dia masih ada. Walau penat mcm mana pun. Bil mana yg sy kena byrkan pun..dia masih ada. Yang mana dia kurang, sy cukupkan. Kekurangan saya yg cukup byk itu, dia sempurnakan. Allah masih bg pinjam utk sy menumpang kasih dan manja. Kala penat dan sakit kepala ada tgn kasar yg boleh di percaya.

Allah, jgn ambil dlu dia dr saya. Kami masih perlukan dia. Sedih terkenang isteri arwah sarat berbadan dua. Dgn dua anak kecil menanti dirumah, 10km dr tempat kejadian.


Takziah buat keluarga rakan sekerja kami.
Innalillahi wa inna ilaihi raajiun.
Moga ditempatkan di kalangan org yg beriman.

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Sunday, March 22, 2015

KL- KB - QBer - Kuantan - KL

Salam lovelies :)

Its a lovely Sunday in the east coast n school is already starting. We're starting our day in terengganu darul Iman today :)

Such a nice short blk kg trip to rewind alhmdulillah. Tho it is really scorching hot these days in the east coast, we had the chance to do almost everything in plan alhmdulillah. Work was really heating me up last few weeks but alhamdulillah we've made it through. For us, each designers, each car each model are our babies nurtured from zero. But it really takes a team to make a model a success. There are even some exterior designs that I don't agree to like the headlamps,the steering the metercombi, the colors etc.

Being on the insider or the mechanical designer of the car, there's not quite many things we could complaint of the physical appearance which relates to a totally different dept :) I am still proud of what Malaysians could achieve and produce but to those not really into the business with two feets dirty, the excitement is not that much. Some of even our staffs had never driven or test drive some of our products post launch and had the guts of telling what's good and what's not :p But that's normal. People are still people. Things they do not own are the most valued :p

Mechanical designer. Yups, that's what I do here. And when people ask how things are here, in my dept, design decision is in our hands..so the job satisfaction of what you do is really in abundance :) Malaysian made n Malaysian decided are things that we could really be proud of, betul kan? But if ur not in the team, and your job becomes a routine and pay is what you're looking for, then this is not your place.

Enough about work, let's talk about..cuti! I took a 3days leave this time and was definitely needing it very much. After few hot arguments n busy designing in stages for several upcoming babies, my work is already half done :) so let's celebrate! Hoyeah! (Half done pun nk celebrate ke?) Well there's always so many reasons to celebrate :)

Balik Kelantan to the harmony part of Malaysia which I love the rustic n untouched sensation that always invites us back. A place my hubs calls home.A place where you could find gulai serati n nasi berlauk amazingly cheap in the morning and not a single toll plaza anywhere around. Ah serene..

Best cuti..tp now back to reality okayy..wake up wake up! Esok kerja daaa :)

Ckp byk sgt arini. Nanti kita sambung lagiii....




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Saturday, March 21, 2015

Borong Instant Shawls di kelate

Instant chiffon n instant cotton. Image was fresh from the shawl supplier's place :) rambang mata dibuatnya sb murah betul. Siapa mau borong dgn saya boleh contact ya. Dijamin harga termurah. MOQ 20helai utk borong. Contact saya utk harga ya.

Retail juga ada :)

Zahra :: 0189189835

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Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Hello peeps! Its March school holidays!

Salam and Goodmorning lovelies!

How were your days? :)
School holidays have started kan? so yeay! Sb everyday is jammed free days. 2 days jemmed free so far. alhmdulillah :) Iman n amsyar well of course still needs to go to daycare at school. kesian, sebab mommy diorg bukan cikgu..nk buat mcmana :) But worry no more as we're going back balik kampung tonight! yeay!

I took 3 days off (18,19,20th) so that we can go back peacefully this time. and mashallah, LHDN claims are already banked-in. so, double joy yeay! Have you done yours? You should do it fast u know, its your money. Unless you need to pay rather than claim then that's a different story :)

Weekends was relaxing, tho me down w fever, but nevertheless we had such fun at home rearranging some furniture yeay! Just the usuals, but it is just nice to refreshen up our home once in a while :)

Alhmdulillah more good news for this week. Yesterday was one of my happiest day when i was reunited with this watch i lost 2 years ago while pumping milk for amsyar. This piece is not that mush expensive but holds a sentimental value for me i couldn't even put a price on it.Thank you Allah. It was there all the time in the surau. And they found it when the old racks were moved out from the surau for some painting work. Masyallah :) Rezeki comes it ways you least expected doesn't it?  

So farewell everyone! Pray for our safe journey inshallah back and fro our kampung.  Inshallah we'll go via the beautiful coast of Terengganu on the way back to watch some turtles y'all! :)

 See you all next week! (unless mommy is rajin enough to update via bloggeroid ;p). Take care everyone. 



Thursday, March 12, 2015

Wow. Just Wow!

Im stressed.
I have 65 emails in my inbox dating today and all are work related *boring
And some guy from the project management team asked me for a 6 pm date meeting. Which is not going to happen.

But its 5.45pm and im still here.

Lets just all go home and call it a day.

Malam jumaat ni oi.

Have you read this?

Dah cukup 11?
Dah? Bagus..syabas bettehhh..

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Kita tidak miskin tp belum kaya lagi

Golongan pertengahan mcm kita.
Kita tidak miskin. Tp belum lg kaya.

This quote left me thinking that is quite true.

Betullah tu.

After submitting the E-BE LHDN annual taxation refund, I hoped that the money taken from me will be much benefitted into the needy. Have you submitted yours?

This cukai thing sometimes left me feeling that they're like robbers directly deducting money from our personal money. Our personal accounts. Without our will. I bet in Islamic ways this is haram. I was scrubbed out a great amount all year, and by the end i was nervous to even claim the money that was taken by force from me. And I have to keep 7yrs of receipts to prove to them this claimed money is mine. What?

But what to do so many people in this country non Muslims and Muslims as well are against the Islamic laws. Too many have robbers in their family and next of kin they're scared too many hands will be amputated. Sigh.

That's life ladies and gentlemen.

And those kg people, too lazy to work and wake up early to go to work, forks out yearly Br1m from the government. Yeah.. I know few who r like this. And so many more who really deserves the money. Berubahlah kpd yg lebih baik. Yg masih muda, belajarlah bersungguh sungguh.

Get real. Get knowledge. Please.
And then can talk some more.


Browsing through a preloved website.

Mommy : Iman cantik tak yang ini? Iman suka tak mommy belikan OK?
Iman : Iman rasa yg ada tali la hebat mommy. Kalau mommy nk beli beli yg ada tali.

Mommy : mcm ni ke?
Iman : Haaaaaa....yg mcm ni la mommy.Baru hebat!


Dah pandai berpesyen anakanda bertuah seorg ini ..habislah mommy!



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Tuesday, March 10, 2015

WW- One City Mall Skyroof

Again-coz its nice n near :)
Ahh...its Tuesday ya?
Whadehekkk..read this today. And again tomorrow ;p

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Monday, March 9, 2015


Hello dearies..
Happy Monday indeed ya?

Hows your life lately? Fantastic as you planned or never as it should be?

I have nothing much to share today, but I was asked by a few friends about me self. Well girls, Let me be open and frank about this. 

I am 31 this year, dark toned skinned with never the 'supposed' to be figure all my life. But I didn't really took that seriously and took everything else damn seriously instead. And I just want to proof to you that if someone thinks looks, the scale and the freckles on your face is everything, just talk to someone else.

Swing you tailed feather girls and move on! That's how you do it!

Do what that matters most. And dance with pride with what you have rather than thinking of whatever you still don't have :)

Vivid memories of my high school kept coming on and off each time I send my lil bro to school. There are of course those bitter ones and hard days, but we all had moved on and go on with our own lifes. In high school days, i was no pretty girl but I kept to myself I will be two things : I will always try to be the clean girl, and the nicely smelt as well. Ahahaha.. School days, right? I was dark (darker then of course) and weighed 60kgs in my 163 height, and I graduated high school with few As and 3 ex-monkey boys. hahaha.

Sending off this boy last sunday.

The key is always the same : be yourself, be open, tell the truth and always smile. 

Walk the confident strike and stop worrying what other people think of you as that is what u cannot control.on the other hand, try to control and upgrade what you already have. If your not pretty, be the charming one. But all in all being the nice one is more always than not, remembered and loved by all, pretty or not.

Take care of yourself, love your lil ones and stop worrying everything in between the thread mill and the buffet spread. Live the way you're happy and the confidence will come naturally.





Friday, March 6, 2015

Kalau tak stress, bkn kerja namanya..

وَعَسَىٰ أَنْ تَكْرَهُوا شَيْئًا وَهُوَ خَيْرٌ لَكُمْ ۖ وَعَسَىٰ أَنْ تُحِبُّوا شَيْئًا وَهُوَ شَرٌّ لَكُمْ ۗ وَاللَّهُ يَعْلَمُ وَأَنْتُمْ لَا تَعْلَمُونَ

".. dan boleh jadi kamu benci kepada sesuatu padahal ia baik bagi kamu, dan boleh jadi kamu suka kepada sesuatu padahal ia buruk bagi kamu. Dan (ingatlah), Allah jualah Yang mengetahui (semuanya itu), sedang kamu tidak mengetahuinya."

Mashallah.got this from my sister.its Friday and there are still tonnes of work to do. As of 11.30 I've released done two reports (short technical review), argued with several vendors and released one new design. Just to give some view of my Friday. And now I've to miss some sushi-ing Friday session due to a meeting early after lunch. Urghhh!

But this ayat really made me somehow sooth. Mashallah. Try to read the meaning.and reflect it to what u r currently/at the momently hate. And see how it could relate.

Alhmdulillah. He truly sends you His love in so many beautiful ways :)

Dah dah.
Take a deep breath!
Projects do keeps a torch on your butt till deadline.so what.haha

Keep calm and finish your work! :p

Tomorrow is mommy-hat day!
So chill!



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Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Asam Pedas utk dia

Jom sembang ptg sket arini.

Siapa kaki drama mesti tengok cerita ni juga kan? 
:) Mcm kami laki bini. hahaha skrg ni tgh layan cerita asam podeh ni dan cerita tv3 hari biasa tu.. teman lelaki upahan. Cliche sgt tajuk tajuknya kenkonon adaptasi novel tapi jalan cerita, syok gak lah layan..hahaha

Sejujurnya, watak dlm asam pedas utk dia ni menarik. And lain sikit jalan ceritanya yg buatkan kami dok tunggu setiap weekends. sinopsis? aih xbestlah sinopsis? kena tgk sendiri every sabtu n ahad 7pm :p

Kisah Ainin, si janda beranak satu yg pandai memasak :)

The guy in da story sometimes annoys me juga. He got married with Ainin secretly,  but still meneruskan pertunangan dgn another girl. What? This i dun like! Pastu p terus tgk lagi kannn... bagus! ;p

Talking of, which these days, im quite down. with i dont know everything. Projects bertalu talu kot, with not much support, I've lost one colleague/partner with no replacement which leaves me now doing work for two! *sigh* And the more stressed i am, i re winded with blogging. Yes, of course, you darls just made my day better :) Well, just to add icing on the cake, im just down because my ex-schoolmates are having our 14th yr grand anniversary. Yups 1-4. 14 yrs from SPM. They're having fun in Penang and hubby was against all these reunions (I secretly think he is just jealous. what if i met a long lost fling?haha..ok lame).  But urggghh...i definitely want to go! I was even one of the AJK! Urghh.. Ok fine lets drop this.

The reunion is this weekend btw. Urgh
In Penang. Double urghhhhh!

Minggu dpn dh cuti sekolah and maybe well maybe we'll be back balik kg :) Via Kuala Berang. Yups kuala berang. Yeay! Jom lalu pantai. Doa doakan lah semua berjalan lancar and ada rezeki lebih utk kami. Inshallah. Rewind balik kg org bak kata kawan ku. Takpalah. Janji boleh rewind :) 

Ok back to work everybody! Too many things to do in too little time ;) Lets color life. And plan for the weekends! :p

SPM holders! Congrats for whatever you got! Life doesn't end here. It has just started!

Take care :)


Tuesday, March 3, 2015

La marchee! Welcome bulan Mac!!

Salam mommies! (and daddies too)

Assalamualaikum wbt


It's March 2015 already. 3/12 for 2015, countable as 1/4th betul tak.
And we're really moving on the fast lane over here :) There are really few things happening around and i've kinda have something they called as a mental block over here. sigh. 

Weekend was great as ever, and we've finished few baking projects together :) Boy, these two are really a handfull now. Full of energy from early suboh to dusk, they're really like energizer bunnies chasing out the sanity out of mommy by day. Amsyar is quite no longer a baby which gives me the freedom to do more things around and settle few projects in the house. He toddles around following Iman's every steps and repeats every words from Iman, which pretty much shows how much he adores his big brother :)

As for Iman, being already 4 years old had made him much more intelligent. Alhamdulillah he could slowly read and recognizes most of the arabic words from his Qiraati book, which quite made me happy. However, his english skills were not polished much, especially from school, but his ability for bi-language skills had improved. He can translate one word in both languages for quite an array of vocabulary especially for nouns(objects) and descriptions (big,small, thick, thin, tall, short, dirty, clean). That is good enough. I really dont like pushing, and believed in learning through play, so that much is adequate for a 4yr old for now. Alhmdulillah, his love for books had tripled, where now he could 'read' books by himself, re-telling stories i've read to him before :) Goodboy!

Just some concerns on his behavioral development, where i really don't like him to associate violence in his play. I don't know, maybe its just boys, they surely play rough! Having fist fights and being aggressive seems to be part of play. Is that really normal tho? Both seems to inherit the stubbornness from me, and the 'panas baran' from their father. I tried to keep to my senses and avoid raising my voice sometimes to the sense that i ended up crying in the bathroom, just to set up a good example for these two lil guys. Urghh! i kept telling myself that the boys are still young, and need all the love they can get at this stage..but there are times when u just feel like a failed mom and just have coffee and read your mags and let the toys fill up every inch of the living room. Then, come this cheeky smile bringing something to show you.

He just build a building for you.

" Mommy, amsyar buat ni.. (grin). Ni tower utk mommy. Mommy duduk sini (pointing to one block), daddy dok cini (pointing to another end)"

Hmmmmmmm..nice ya being a mom?
And when they're doing these together instead of declaring a war between ultramen nebius and ultramen taro.

Well, i think it's better for us to take it easy and fret not. Be happy and just enjoy life as it is. Do what you love to do and do it well. I tried to learn from people around me to appreciate life, and go with the flow and just do things as they come. But as human, we panicked. A lot. And that, for sure is not good. May Allah ease everything for us. And enjoy motherhood (and fatherhood) at its best. As time waits for no one, and childhood cannot be frozen.

Keep calm and eat brownies and worry less of what you cannot control.



worry not.pesanan penaja.

posted from Bloggeroid

Monday, March 2, 2015

Resipi :: Simplest Brownies !

Hi lovelies!
Welcoming March with a resipi :)
Simple recipe as we like it


The ingredients :

10 tablespoon butter or oil or mixture of both
1 cup sugar (can use less if prefer)
2/3 cup Milo
3tbsp Cocoapowder
1/2 cup of flour
*1/2 cup of choc chips
*1/2 cup of nuts of choice
1tsp of vanilla essence


Mix everything except those marked (*).
Add in eggs.

then add in chocolate chips and nuts (walnuts would be nice)

Bake in 8x8 tray in 190degC for 20mins

I like mine thin and chewy.
Some like it thick and chunky.

And used some milo powder substituting the cocoapowder to make my brownies brown..eheh.
Your brownies..your choice :)

These babies were gone in 1 hour :)
Penangan boys at home :)

Happy Monday every body!