Friday, October 31, 2014

What r u looking for?

When the pay is nothing to be proud of, but the sense of the human bond and the working environment that keeps you going, a higher pay with none of all these is just not worth it.

What is it really or looking for in your career life? Is it really the monthly pay. Should u really fall into modern slavery for relatively higher pay? How can that turn you into a better Muslim? Are u sure the money they pay u is halal?

The money is for the betterment of your kids but how sure are you that those companies aren't donating half of its multi million fortune manipulating your intelligence to kill other Muslims across the globe.

How is your relationship with the new environment? The new girl next door. How should all these brings u back to Allah?

Things to ponder, don't they? In the end what r you really looking for? Good money? Good friends? Good food on the table? Or just not all is worth.

Do your job, full heartedly. If u don't like it,just leave it. If you like it but don't like the pay. Please remember rezeki Allah comes in so many have a circle of friends who really cares is a rezeki. A colleague next 2ur table who doesn't steal your pens or fart openly is a rezeki. A boss who doesn't shout is a rezeqi. Having friends who does not smell is a rezeqi. Well, we all have met weirdest people on the earth don't we? Hahaha

Syukur.that's the key.
Try to b happy with the things you already have than with what you do not have yet.
That is what I told the kids.

Well kiasu mommy in da house.


Till then. Love u all!



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Thursday, October 30, 2014

Welcoming the Roslan's clan latest addition!

Baby H until day 7.Alhmdulillah.
Boy.3.59kg.Annur Hosp BBBangi.

Welcome to the world dear darling!

Monday, October 27, 2014

Steamed Caramel Cake and a monday

Monday mundane. 
Brain freezes I dont feel like thinking today..hahaha.. Is that even possible?


Made some kek kukus gula hangus last night back from seremban. Lega rasa.. Dpt mkn apa diidam.mcm ngidam sgt he kannnn.. And this time terbukti no need to perap will also give u the honeycombs. Relatively small la Tp..he he he.

Resipi for the upteenth time is here

Jom buat!

And yesterday was our first trip for a long journey alone without daddy. We went to send my sister back to kolej..

Surprisingly both boys behaved well despite few series of threats but it was OK Lagi..hehe

Bravo to both of u! Mommy wants to go back home now to u and make some cakes for u.

But I'm stucked here till 5.30!
May the clock ticks faster.
Happy Monday uols!

Kitchen Theraphy


Lama dh xmencoret disini.busy these days.
Last week took a toll on me..and I don't like it.
Iman was down with HFMD from school, amsyar on one night fever and work was abundant on me. Fortunately there were some spikes on a farewell party at Arawsha and a day off for deepavali. But despite all of that, I was quite stressed out.. (T_T)

So on Friday I decided to punch some dough in imagining it as somebody's face.hahaha psycho mommy! And resulted onto few dishes for my family. We transformed some wheat into pizzas and yes this is really thereupathic.

And had some for frozen stock as we can have karipaps and pizza all week.hahaha.

I'll put the recipe later just for keepsake.

Hubby dearest was w the kids when mommy was busy.could u guess what he was drawing on request by Iman..the one besides the fish?

 Hahahahaha..dah teka?

Its a frog!


Iman on bowling day deepavali.

And last but not least. Our lovely farewell luncheon. Bye bye kikinn..may u always success in all your dreams

Mommy group with kikinn hiding in da middle

Till then,


Sunday, October 26, 2014

Chassis Family Day :: Paya Indah Wetlands Dengkil

Kita post sikit dlu.
Alhmdulillah hasil kerja keras and plannings akhirnya terlaksana.

Venue was nice, food was awesome.
Games were really great!

Thanks guys for the support.for the attendance and for the 'sporting'ness in making the day a memorable day!

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Thursday, October 9, 2014

Yang simple itulah yg plg sedap!

Selamat Hari Khamis Lovelies!
Sekejap je dh kerja 3 hari jd kann this week? He he he..

Pepagi lg dh post lauk pauk.bukan istimewa pun.yg simple dimple aje.DH complain Kara daging sikit masin dan nasi ada sikit lembik..Tp 2pinggan juga dia bedal.mujur masin kan banngg, kalau tak maunya 3 pinggan licin! Kita sambalkan ikan bilis, and gorengkan daging manis, potong timing cecah tempoyak ajer.siap! Lauk pemalas ;)

Simplicity in life, taking all the best to the highest extend! Dah naik harga minyak ni kna lah pandai berjimat! Harini pun dh hari kedua berulang ke ofis dgn Lamborghini biru engine 850cc.Jimat byk tu.Yelah ofis bukan jauhpun. Kalau ada motor dh merempit dah kita.

Haritu berjaya ke PD dgn jalan kg. Jauhnya lbh kurang shj cumanya jimat rm20 toll ulang alik! Yeah! Thnx to Mr Google Map and waze. Technology really helps kan? Kami dr salak tinggi - Ke PD melalui Bukit Pelanduk n Lukut, kemudian ke Seremban menghantar maksyu Iman ke KMS barulah balik ke salak semula melalui sri sendayan-gadong-LBJ. Wahdh! Seronok Mak jimat xyah Bayar toll.hahaha cheapskate!

Yang penting objective tercapai. Betul x? Cari juga kedai masak lomak daging salai authentic area somban, dpt recommendations utk ke restoran nelayan jln zaaba.mmg authentic masak lomak.berapi kepalo den! Hehehe

Malam malam raya aritu teringin nk mkn laksa lemak ala Kelantan. First time buat main blasah je..ingat2 lupa cara makcik hubby beat dulu.alhmdulillah dpt thumbs up dr awe klate Ku sayang ni. 2mangkuk dia licin! Yes!

Simple je rupanya. Saya blend ikan mabung rebus (dlm sekilo), blend juga bwg putih bwg merah dan halia sebesar ibu jari. Jgn lupa lada hitam..and sy masukkan sikit belacan( OK yg ni bkn pure klate style). Santan 3kotak. Masak atas api lama.Lagi lama lg sedap!

Makan dgn ulam pilihan- timun,kcg pnjg, bunga kantan hiris halus, belacan dan juga klu suka limau nipis :)
Cukup utk 10 org makan :)

OK selamat bekerja kwn2!
Keep things simple,kita tak tau apa yg akan mendatang..dgn minyak naik and GST starting next year, harga street food pun dh smakin mahal. Jom kita kempen #homecookedmeals yeah!

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Wednesday, October 8, 2014


Hi lovelies! How was your eiduladha?
Hopefully everything went well.

This eid I had transformed into a supercook! Ahahaha..all Saturday was spent on cooking for my loved ones. So we managed to make pulut kuning w curry Ayam, nasi beriyani, Ayam masak merah, lontong and ketupat and also some triffle pudding! Yeah! *clapclap for mommy! :)

Sedap xsedap blkg kira :p

Iman and amsyar had a wonderful raya and went to follow my dad slaughter some cows at the surau nearby.alhmdulillah dad took several parts in the share and we took none this yr.perhaps next yr inshallah :)

Ended the loong weekend w a beach visit..which ended to made us all sunburnt.nantilah cerita pantai.till then.

Salam sayang drp dua budak terbakau..

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Friday, October 3, 2014

Semua itu ada hikmahnya..

This was yesterday.
Lhdn issues. Pendapatan bukanlah 5-6 angka pun ttp dikejar..rupanya dikejar nak diberikan rezeki terpijak alhmdulillah. Lhdn plaza perangsang shah Alam. Fast service and nice staffs. Recommended :)

And the things happening for October. Mmg sadis sbg rakyat yg membayar cukai. Mungkin kits kena mula memikirkan cara mengubah gaya hidup kita.mencari yg terbaik drp yg ada. Kad kredit dahpun saya potong 2thn lalu utk ubah gaya hidup dgn apa adanya.alhmdulillah setakat ni belum ada hari yg tidak makan bahkan berlebih lebih rezekinya.

Nak kena kerah idea dr otak yg dh beku bgaimana nk jana duit. Bagaimana hendak pusingkan modal yg mmg dh ada utk manfaatkan lg modal tersebut. Mencari peluang dgn apa kemahiran n minat yg kita ada. Hmm..semuanya kerana 20sen kah? Bukan, krna mahu keluar dr kekangan yg sedia ada. Andai esok naik lagi 20sen. Kita bising lg.Tp bising sahaja tidak akan mengubah apa apa. Harga minyak ttp itu juga. Payah hendak mengubah org yg kita dh bg mandat berkuasa. Kuasa sudah ditangan dia..kita bising pun dia peduli apa.

Malam td membantu mak mengambil adik2 Dr asrama hendak pulang berhari raya. Mak dr terengganu jd xsempat nak ke neg9 mlm itu juga. Tak apalah, jom kita Ke seremban mlm ni ambil. Tubuh letih tp Allah bg kekuatan Alhmdulillah, dlm keadaan anak kakak pengasuh demam campak, seakan akan dibuka jalan mudah bg kami. Iman n amsyar duduk dgn maksu hari ini.moga dibukakan lbh byk pintu rezeki.. Amin!

Alhmdulillah, Mak n bapak bukanlah dlm keadaan memerlukan duit dr kami, namun pertolongan, perhatian, sokongan dan tenaga kudrat kami yg lbh muda ini sahaja. Mak sudah tua. Badan pun sudah krg tenaga. Selalu terfikir apalagi yg perlu nak buat bg membantu emak. Bila tiba bday emak, sampai tak tahu nk bg apa sb semuanya tak sepadan dgn besarnya jasa mak pd kita..which in the end, tak bg apa2..hewhew..bummer!

Ya Allah ampunilah dosa kedua Mak n bapak. Kasihanilah mereka sepertimana mereka mengasihani aku semenjak kecil.amin!

Moga dptlah Ku berbakti kepada dua org yg plg Ku kasihi ini.Inshallah

Tak sabar nk bercuti 4hari :)
Selamat berhari raya semua!!



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Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Balik kampung on a jet plane. September 2014

Hello October! Yeay we're finally in October!
Still a long list to go for 2014.Before stepping into 2015. And its going to Aidil Adha this coming wkend! Yeayy!!

Balik kg tak? Kami beraya di sepang kali ni,Inshallah which is my kg :) Syoknyehh! We had just came back from our 5days break in Kelantan last two weeks. Thanks to AirAsia, now everybody can fly.hihihi. Alhmdulillah rezeki Iman byk kali minta naik flight (as we had countless trips to the airport recently sending off and picking up family), I got some great deals online! Yeay for mommy! The online shopaholic! Well, who doesn't want a great deal,kan?

The boys were really excited! Last time we flew, they were too small to remember.kesian Iman n amsyar, mommy take bawak berjalan Sgt..not yet la.. Definitely we'll go when ur old enough to enjoy n remember ya? Inshallah!

And KLIA2 is huge!!! I guess twice the size of midvalley kot. A shopper's heaven! But walking distance from check in point to terminal is omg! 20-25mins..letih (--")

Alhmdulillah, segalanya flight delays, no fuss esp as we're travelling w children. A thumbs up for AA.

5 days in the kampung we rewinded was recovering beautifully, but i am still scared she might fall down again as she was really enthusiasted and insisted to cook for us. I love to help and cook but my confiemdence ia still not yet there esp when my hubby's family are generations of cooks, they bleed food blood :p. But I whipped up few pots as well juga lah..a pot of nasal leak udang, some mee goreng (not some la it was a huge kuali) and several more. Quite difficult to balance tho as the chilli tolerance level is quite low up there..and they were used to ajinomoto in every dish where as there are no such thing as aji in my kitchen :p

me, I love going back to the peaceful beautiful just the sense of calmness of just by living there, where the pace lags at your own likings :) bila tag nk balik lg ntah. Let me know if there's any low rate offers running on the net,ya?

*On the way back, kami satu flight dgn pokcik2 nak ke Klia nk teruskan perjalanan menunaikan haji..Tp bila mai cabin crew tlg tutup compartment atas kepala..kemain kuat pakcik beristighfar.Tp mata masih memandang..he he he..pokcik pokcik..moga mendapat haji yg mabrur ya? ;p

Till then, enjoy October!!
Selamat Hari Raya Haji! ;p

**mee celup repek, and eddlee fried chicken :: only in Kelantan :)
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