Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Overseas Tasks. . .

Dah dpt dh itenary.
Syok sbnrnya klu nk memanjangkan kaki tgk negara org ni :)

Tp tulah..bila dh ada anak syok itu dh jd xbrapa syokla..
Tetiba sayu sb kna tinggalkan iman 3 hari..sobsob :'(
Mommy pergi kerana tugas syg..

Teringat masa nk minta signature GM utk travel warrant..kna interview sket.

GM : So why do you want to go to thailand?
Me : Mmm sbnrya sy takmau pergi.
GM : But you have to go to settle issue 1, 2, and 3.Bla bla...
Me  : OK boss!~ Saya pergi!~ sy yg menurut perintah (hehehe..yg ni dlm hati je)

Hehe..soalan lazim tu. Tp bila tang aku, dia soal, dia jawab balik
Hehe..bila pikir balik, bleh aku jawap aku xmau pergi.haru sungguh!~

Tp sungguh..mmg betul-ikut hati, mmg xmau pergi.
Bila dh ada baby ni, nk berjauhan even semalaman, rsnya mcm sgt cruel to anak yg still kecik ni.
Mommy nya xde bila mlm2 dia nk mommy peluk dia..alahai. :)

G Thailang 2hrs journey boleh la..supposed to go to UK this coming 19th to 25th. Tp bila memikirkan 13hrs++ cramped dlm economy seat MH airlines tu..xsanggup den. Best time nih..tgh sakan christmas sale..tp yg xtahan nya..winter la.huhu!~ Serious I don't like!Mujur ada Faizal, my protege mengcover senior nya yg tgh mabuk ini. Dh la 9th to 14th nti kna hantar g Korea dulu. Rezeki ko la Faizal, akak tengah phase mabuk ni. Org bujang sedaplah berjalan cuci mate tgk negara org.

Thank you Faizal. I'll send you my list for the Christmas Shopping Spree.. :)

Monday, November 28, 2011

Moody Monday

The weather outside seems to be following the mood as well.

I love rainy days..but only when it is a holiday day.

Ahh..best nya if today's a holiday for Proton.
Like everybody else in Malaysia.

Bleh main giggle giggle dgn Iman bdk nakal gigi dua btg.
Now he's a big boy..dh pandai main throw and catch.
Favorite : throw and catch rolled balls of mommy's socks..dr sock basket kat tepi pintu.
Amik baling terabur semua.Then rangkak2 kejar..dh dpt giggle2 sengsorang suka.
Sian main sengsorang..xpelah ye sayang..soon-mommy bg adik seoreng bleh buat teman main :)

Seems like daddy need to buy rubber balls for Iman soon!~~

Ok..mood back to ke laut~

Even the vendors are on their holiday today.
Oh I just wish~

ps- stress dgn issues dgn production ppl. nk marah org tua. ckp bodoh kang kata aku mulut jahat. ish3.sabo jelah....

Friday, November 25, 2011

Saja gatal . . .

Mmm..byk nya choice yg menarikssss.. :)
Lebih2 yg no.3 dr kanan..sexy you!~

courtesy from here :)

Yeah..fridays are the best!~

Yeah..Fridays are always the highlight of the week :)
And it becomes nicer when its the 1st friday after payday...yeay!!~

Today's plan is to do some shopping for next week's business trip to Thailand (yeah..I'm going to thailand..sad..byebye baby Iman ), and for some outing attire for Iman's first Proton's family day next Saturday!~
awaiting for a hectic week next week.

Plans-Monday to Tg Malim.Tuesday : work work work. Wednesday : Fly to Rayong. Bonus day..yay!! Friday 11.30pm : arrival KLIA. Saturday : Sunway Lagoon Family day. Sunday : Off to Perak for wedding. Monday again : Pengsan.MC-Just kidding :P

Hope this mabuk2 thingy will subsidue soon..Please be kind to mommy small baby.
Let mommy go to work peacefully :)

Happy Friday peeps!~
Have a nice weekend!

ps- Iman dh naik 2nd tooth....yay! :) Senget juga gamak nya..alahai anak mommy :)

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Nights with Iman.

Last nite Iman decided xmau tidor awal.After dinner we settled in front of the TV.

Mommy with TV, daddy dh terlelap.Iman with the remote..
Masterchef was on air.

Then, enough with the remote, Iman wanted to read books, except he just figured out that his purple books about peek-a-boo toys is much more interesting than his green alphabet book (which was his previous favourite!~).
He took his book..brought it near to me, duduk and tepuk2  buku smbil mata tgk mommy and mulut dok pggil2..suka benar dia dgn buku.Like mommy :)

Ok sayang, mommy faham jom read books!~ Clever boy :)
tp TV tgk show fav- masterchef..alahai...

Ok la jom..one round.
Finish :) (mujur 5pages je..so cepat je la finish nye..hehehe)

Iman tepuk purple book lagi..
Nak 1round lagi..

Then another.And another.Smpai mommy dh bleh hafal wordings purple book Iman.
Total up >10 rounds :) Isk3 anak mommy ni..semangat sungguh!~

Then mommy baru ada chance nk tgk masterchef-dh judging round.Kompolan biru mng!..lerrr I missed the show..td ms Iman tepuk2 buku utk 1st round diorg dlm masterchef br je arrive kat Central Market..deng!~

Hmm..xpelah demi Iman.Masterchef ada ulangan kan?kan?kan?huhu~

Then mlm dh kul 11.Iman still xmau tido.Dodoi2..xmau.
Susu..minum.smbil kutil2 locket necklace mommy.Tp mata bulat.Xmau tido.

Ok jom naik atas..kot2 Iman nk tidor.Kejut daddy-jom naik bilik..jommm!~

"Iman..sleep.Mommy sleep.Daddy sleep.Sume dh sleep,"

Still xmau sleep.
Bangun..meniti niti katil.tawaf.Gi kat daddy..patah blk kat mommy.
Daddy dh slamat dh as usual.To dreamoland..
Mommy pn dh tidor2 ayam.

Tetiba bunyi kipas meja mcm org cucuk..
Buka mata Iman tgh poke jari2 halus dia through kipas...
Apalagi mommy histeria la..


Daddy still asleep.deng!~

Dia bleh poke then, happy2 goyang2 vontot.Agaknya dia rs bende tu funny!~
Alahai..then tgk mommy..sengih.Bangga.Muka was saying 'Mommy look-xsakit pun!'
Luruh jantung mommy..

Then pose jari..nk poke lagi..sambil muka ngadap kipas and nyanyi2..

Amboi2..galaknya dia mlm ni..

Daddy still asleep.

Ok.Enough of the drama.
Off nitelights.Peluk Iman.

Still boleh nmpak mata bulat even dlm gelap.
Then dia pggil mommy..to start a conversation..."teh..teh..ahah..teh"

Mommy xlayan.Sleep.Now.

2am.Sume dh sleep.Mommy letak Iman on his toto next to mommy's bed.
Kang jatuh tergolek atau kna hempap dgn daddy payah pulak.
Selimutkan Iman. Selimutkan daddy.
Mommy try to sleep.

4am. Iman want milk.Ok buat milk.Bagi.settle.
Daddy still asleep.Tarik selimut.

Mommy rs cm br 2mins terlelap.
Dh bunyi alarm.6.20am.Argghhh..~

6.40am."Yang cepat yang - bangun.Dh lewat dh kita ni.Ironkan bj abg..tlg.Yang sangkut blkg pintu"
"Mandi dlu ek, dh sudah kejut abg..."

Masuk bilik air..br je berus gigi sentuh bibir..uwekkkkk!~
Mabuk pagi~

Ahh..itulah sebabnya knp syurga bwh telapak kaki ibu..
Bukan bwh kaki ayah.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Congrats Harimau Malaya!~

Semua org dtg office harini dgn semangat Harimau Malaya..!! :)
Semua cerita psl bola, psl penalty, psl bola tergolek badrul bakhtiar..pasal khairul fahmi.
Pasal Fakri ..eh? :)Titus bonai pn glemer juga namanya kat proton harini..
Klu kat office ni xde dress code-agaknya..office ni kaler kuning itam je arini :)

Which is a basically good thing : as to me, one in not so many things we are really united and patriotic about our own nation is when it come to football.seriously..betul x?
Cume bila world cup to sb negara sendiri x qualified..mulalah rmai jd italiano la..brazillian la..argentino la..hehe.

Anyway congratz to Harimau Malaya sb berjaya baham garuda semalam..smp sugul satu stadium..hehehehe.
Big Congrats!!~

sebak rs bila lagu negara ku berkumandang gah kat stadium bumi asing :)
rs bangga! btul la...170++ pingat mas xsama dgn seketul pingat emas acara bolasepak!
Hidup Malaysia!!!~

ps-tgk toilet arini cm xde org cuci je..makcik cleaner mogok kah?hehehe..adik jaga cafe pn puas kna sakat dgn diorg2 ni arini..gara2 garuda dh patah sayapnya :P

Monday, November 21, 2011

Check up in Putrajaya Hospital. Happy mode ON!~

Just to share the good news :)
Iman's lil sister (hopefully) is 12++wks old and kicking inside! :)
Alhamdulillah.Berkat doa mama,mama abg, family and all those who are praying for us.
Thank you guys!!~

Confirmed in this morning's scan in a special unit in Putrajaya's specialist centre called Early Pregnancy Assessment Center (i think that's the name-more or less it means the same). The doctor was overwhelmed as she predicted that I already needed a D&C based on the previous doc's referral. But was a lil bit puzzled when I said the nausea is always there.Tp this time I dh boleh predict how it is and can control sket la. Eat more citrus.Avoid lemak and minyak.

The doctor was genuinely happy for me as well..dia mmg xsangka :)

Bila check..baby dh 55mm CTL. The heart was beating heartily and the legs are alredy kicking :)
Me also la...lagi la overwhelmed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  ;)

But really-really Syukur Alhamdulillah..No precedures..just another journey.
Another beautiful journey :)


ps- now really-really crazy of cute baby girls with curly hair and big shiny eyes..rs nk picit2!!~

Iman is 9mths already!

Alhamdulillah..Iman is 9MO today! yeah!~

Some milestones I would like to record for Iman.
For me..for daddy and for Iman himself :)

1. Still not walking by himself but going to..insyallah.Just a lil bit more!Come on Iman you can do it!~
2. Loves Upin and Ipin to bits.. :)
3. Loves iklan Ribena kat TV. Klu tgh nangis ttba keluar iklan tu bleh joget2..hahaha..so funny.
4. Calls his daddy deddek..haha.lawak gila..ketuk2 pintu bilik air pggil "deddek..deddek.." in tone yg separa nangis.
5. Doenst call me yet.Xpe..the time will come :) .ok la tu..xsanggup di panggil memmek..hahaha.
6. Baru ada satu gigi..another one br nmpak surface.
7.Eats a lot..nasi lemak ada smbal pn nk juga..isk3..Poo laaaaaaaaaagi la a lot hahaha.
8.Fav game-Peek-a-boo.
9. Ada 6books in collection dh skrg but only favour one book.Suka books dr toys..yeay!Mommy suka.
10. Gelak kekek kekek klu daddy buat kelakar.Favorite: tgk daddy timbang bola..bersinar2 mata.
11.The one and only fan of daddy bila daddy karaoke..hahahha..siap buat gaya nk sing-a-long..and rebut2 mic.

Well..dh besar dah anak mommy.
Mommy suka sgt :) Every second is really worth of it :)
9mths sekejap je rasa bila baby dh lahir..tp 9mths nak tggu lahir dulu rs mcm forever..hehe..

May Allah always bless you Iman syg and may all the happiness in the world be yours!~


Mommy and Daddy :)

Friday, November 18, 2011

Come test your english ;)

See if you find this funny...hehehe :)

You think English is easy...?
I think a retired English teacher was bored.
Read all the way to the end. This took a lot of work to put together!

1) The bandage was wound around the wound.

2) The farm was used to produce produce.

3) The dump was so full that it had to refuse more refuse.

4) We must polish the Polish furniture..

5) He was reading as the train sped through Reading

6) The soldier decided to desert his dessert in the desert..

7) Since there is no time like the present, he thought it was time to present the present.

8) A bass was painted on the head of the bass drum.

9) When shot at, the dove dove into the bushes.

10) I did not object to the object.

11) The insurance was invalid for the invalid.

12) There was a row among the oarsmen about how to row.

13) They were too close to the door to close it.

14) The buck does funny things when the does are present.

15) A seamstress and a sewer fell down into a sewer line.

16) To help with planting, the farmer taught his sow to sow.

17) The wind was too strong to wind the sail.

18) Upon seeing the tear in the painting I shed a tear..

19) I had to subject the subject to a series of tests.

20) How can I intimate this to my most intimate friend?

21) If the lead weight was removed the lead would be lighter

Let's face it - English is a crazy language. There is no egg in eggplant, nor ham in hamburger; neither apple nor pine in pineapple. English muffins weren't invented in England or French fries in France . Sweetmeats are candies while sweetbreads, which aren't sweet, are meat. We take English for granted. But if we explore its paradoxes, we find that quicksand can work slowly, boxing rings are square and a guinea pig is neither from Guinea nor is it a pig..

And why is it that writers write but fingers don't fing, grocers don't groce and hammers don't ham? If the plural of tooth is teeth, why isn't the plural of booth, beeth? One goose, 2 geese. So one moose, 2 meese? One index, 2 indices? Doesn't it seem crazy that you can make amends but not one amend? If you have a bunch of odds and ends and get rid of all but one of them, what do you call it?

If teachers taught, why didn't preachers praught? If a vegetarian eats vegetables, what does a humanitarian eat? Sometimes I think all the English speakers should be committed to an asylum for the verbally insane. In what language do people recite at a play and play at a recital? Ship by truck and send cargo by ship? Have noses that run and feet that smell?

How can a slim chance and a fat chance be the same, while a wise man and a wise guy are opposites? You have to marvel at the unique lunacy of a language in which your house can burn up as it burns down, in which you fill in a form by filling it out and in which, an alarm goes off by going on.

English was invented by people, not computers, and it reflects the creativity of the human race, which, of course, is not a race at all. That is why, when the stars are out, they are visible, but when the lights are out, they are invisible.

PS. - Why doesn't 'Buick' rhyme with 'quick' ?

You lovers of the English language might enjoy this ...

There is a two-letter word that perhaps has more meanings than any other two-letter word, and that is

It's easy to understand
UP, meaning toward the sky or at the top of the list, but when we awaken in the morning, why do we wake UP ?
At a meeting, why does a topic come UP?
Why do we speak UP and why are the officers UP for election and why is it UP to the secretary to write UP a report?
We call
UP our friends.
And we use it to brighten UP a room, polish UP the silver; we warm UP the leftovers and clean UP the kitchen.
We lock UP the house and some guys fix UP the old car.
At other times the little word has real special meaning.
People stir UP trouble, line UP for tickets, work UP an appetite, and think UP excuses.
To be dressed is one thing, but to be dressed UP is special.
A drain must be opened UP because it is stopped UP.
We open UP a store in the morning but we close it UP at night.

We seem to be pretty mixed
UP about UP!
To be knowledgeable about the proper uses of UP, look the word UP in the dictionary.
In a desk-sized dictionary, it takes UP almost 1/4th of the page and can add UP to about thirty definitions.
If you are UP to it, you might try building UP a list of the many ways UP is used.
It will take UP a lot of your time, but if you don't give UP, you may wind UP with a hundred or more.
When it threatens to rain, we say it is clouding UP.
When the sun comes out we say it is clearing UP.
When it rains, it wets the earth and often messes things
When it doesn't rain for a while, things dry

One could go on and on, but I'll wrap it
UP,for now my time is UP,
so........it is time to shut UP!
Now it's UP to you what you do with this email.
You still think English is easy?

Finally Friday!~


Morning peeps!~
Finally its Friday!Yeay!
Though it's quite not that much.
Coming to work a lil late as my alarm was dead this morning.
Having some nasi lemak with 2pieces of paru for RM3 (what?rm3???)
And arriving at your desk to see the colleague next to you reading an article talking about "How do you know your boss is lying?" claiming he's sharpening his soft skill...(huh?)

Well,despite all of that..i love Fridays!~

And congrats Malaysia for the victory in Gelora Bung Karno yesterday!Hooray!
Proud to be Malaysian!! :)

And thank you for those 'pengkhianats' for uploading our latest model pics in Paul Tan. (Well Paul Tan claimed its from another website..aha?).Thank you for giving the whole world a picture of our new unborn baby.
Thank you for the publicity. I'm trying to be being positive. Thank you ya?
The good thing is several comments even compare the model to a Daimler Chrysler baby.
Wow!~ That's a GREAT compliment.
Yelah..nk compare dgn kereta kontot kaler kuning pkai engine daihatsu 1.5 yg di claim lg best tu..mmg out of league la kn?
hahahah..I'm being mean today!~
Sorry la..but some Malaysians are too surreal.

Once a friend to a friend of mine ask me-in 25yrs of Proton's age name him one model that Proton do from scratch? means from zero to hero.


Tergamam skejap.Bukan sb xtahu nk jwp apa..tp knapa ada org yg boleh tny soalan mcm ni.
I was really amazed with this question.Mind you that this question popped out from a guy ya?
Bukan apa..I was amazed on ada juga full grown with a career man (malaysian ya?) yg xtahu that his nation dh buat kereta sendiri from scratch since WAJA.He was still trying to get my opinion on the famous-amous power window issue.Which is a 10yr old issue.

Dah solve dh pn ok. Kita pn dh lama dh xkeluar Waja. Ada dgr kereta persona or saga FLX CVT tersangkut power windownya?? Maybe ada. Sorrrylah if you got the 1 in a 20,000 defect.Mmg unlucky la you.

Ya Allah smp mcm tu skali mamat ni tak tahu psl negara sendiri.
Boleh keluar soalan mcm tu.
Agaknya klu org bandar yg berkerjaya hebat pn bleh ajukan Q mcm tu..bygkan rakyat malaysia yg mmg xtahu kemana2 tu..
Kata " Saya anak Malaysia"..huhu~


Worse-he drove a Kia Sephia..hahha.clearly boleh see how his way of thinking is.
ok.stop kutuk org.



...don't spoil the mood.Jom happy happy!~
 keje.keje.pastu goyang kaki...


Ok.Till then.
Happy Friday peeps!!~~

ps-ada ura2 bonus akhir thn masyuk this 22nd.hope that's true!Maybe that's why I'm so gay today... :P

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Post ptg khamis yg kejap lagi nk g meeting...

Esok jumaat!yeay!~

**hehe comel pulak bende hijau ni..sikit2 mcm iman kalau tgh dok atas walker ttba keluar iklan ribena kat tv!~
Btw-iklan fav iman skrg ialah iklan ribena :)

Sb lusa sabtu~
Sb esok lunch break laaaaaaaaaaaama.
Sb esok sume org dh mode malas-i-nak cuti-dh-esok~
And sb esok last day my boss cuti kawen!~

Hehe..xbest juga bila boss xde.bila ada problem-kna settle sendiri.
Xbleh nk minta boss tlg pikirkan skali...hehehe.
Tp xpa..kasi can la kali ni..
Masa i maternity leave 2mths aritu..tertonggang tonggeng dh boss ambil alih..

Kasi can boss happy2 sb dh lama boss mencari semula bahagia dia.
Hopefully this time you'll live happily ever after with your 3kids and immediate kids.
And dikurniakan lagi anak2 yg soleh solehah.
Baby girl pulak la kan boss?

Selamat Pengantin Baru Boss!~~ :)

Hai xsabar nak jumaat~

ps-11.11.11 : rmai sungguh couples yg pilih tarikh ni for their special day.And have their 2nd reception on th 20.11.2011..nice dates :)

To all newly weds..selamat pengantin baru!!!~~~~~


Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Bila kereta nak launch......

Tuesdays are always a lil bit hectic in Proton.
Well for me la..

Yesterday was really a disaster for me..yelah 1mth to go for new launching-production ppl mulalah terpekik terlolong pggil designer soh selesaikan new problems yg diorg br discover.Baru discover? haish~
Pukul 5.15pm br nk call suruh dtg. sorryla bro. I tak layan.
I nk blk in 15mins.

Line worker always complaint that some designs are too complicated for them to assemble.

My comment is : assemble je la. Pusing jela screw driver tu.
Your task is assembling. Please assemble. Jgn bising2 minta kita tukar design.

My task is near to complete. It took me 2yrs to design.
Now you're complaining about assembling?

Sy bukan engineer yg sombong.
Tp org2 mcm ni..kdg2 xleh diberi sgt muka. Dulu soh blajar-kata SPM susah.
Mmg SPM susah-itu sb kita blajar tergolek2 nk dptkan tiket ke university.
U buat apa..bergayut kat telephone dgn boifren complaining about how difficult SPM is.
Pastu marah, knp kerajaan xbg peluang kat org melayu nk belajar kat uni?padahal A yg dikumpul- satu pn tarak.

Pastu mai KL, nak kerje.Sijil yg ada SPM je.A takde.B ada dua. tp semua credit.
kat kampung sayalah hero.plg cemerlang.kwn2 sy rmai yg F byk subject. sy english pn E.Xfail..

Interview.Dpt keje Proton. alhamdulillah.
Benefit OK.Medical cover.Baju free. Seluar free.Kasut free.
Seluar dlm dgn stokin je kna beli sendiri.
Gaji kecil pn xpelah ujung thn murah rejeki ada bonus.Boleh blanja anak bini mkn kfc.
Pastu komplen..keje susah la..nk masukkan powertool susah celah2 part.nk access payah, kna guna tenaga.
"Cuba Pn Zara bygkan sy buat keje ni 8jam sehari. Hari2..."


Susah la bila mcm ni.Susah hati nak ckp dgn diorg takut ayat kita buat golongan ni tersinggung.Padahal kita ni jenis manusia berterus terang.
Telus dan tulus.

OK.Sy mmg ckp kasar.
Sb sy dh penat layan golongan ni.
Penat jd jantung Proton membina kereta utk negara.

Pasni sy nk join dept lain la..jadi hati ke..paru2 ke..jd kaki pn jdla..
Ada degree engineering tp monitor org buat construction toilet. organize2 events utk proton. kira2 budget.
5.30pm bleh balik happy2.
Pukul 1 hari2 boleh keluar lunch jalan2 tour IOI mall senang hati.

klu xpun-dh xde keje sgt.bleh la join projeck kereta inovasi-prototyping a concept car from scratch.
bahagia hidup.

OK lah back to reality..

"Abg production assemble je la. Pusing jela screw driver tu.
Your task is assembling. Please assemble. Jgn bising2 minta kita tukar design."

Just wild ramblings from me.

Pissed & Hungry


Friday, November 11, 2011

Anak dh 7thn..loan kawin baru nak abis

A new engineer in my husband's office once told my husband that he's not married yet cause weddings are so expensive these days.He would never make a loan for the purpose of a wedding and until now he has been saving at least 500 per month for his 7 year long courtship.He has been promising to get married to his sweetheart since 7years ago.

Their dream wedding is approaching soon.
After ups and downs. 2-3 times of love-hate-break up- reconcile relationship.

He is now 32. He's sweet heart of 7years is 30.

My husband asked him. Why did'nt you choose for a personal loan instead?
Take 40k.And go for a 7year loan.

" Ah nak buat apa bro.Anak dh 7thn..loan kawin baru nak abis"

My husband silent comment was :
If you look on the other side-you'll already be 7yrs married.
7yrs is a looong time.
You'll be happy with your partner of choice since 7years ago.
With a 7yr old child and out of debt by that time.

Instead for him-marriage life just begun.
7years of lonely nights had finally ended!~
You'll be happy with your partner of choice since 7years ago.
You're still child less.
And out of debt.

So what to lose?

Hmm..tepuk dada tanya iman.
Cukup Iman ke nak date for all those 7yrs..
Lain padang lain belalang..ye x?

Just a Jumaat tazkirah.


Saturday, November 5, 2011

Strength to carry on.

I really don't know where to begin.Well, I have not many followers or readers so I really tend to keep this memo as a memory for my self. A note of the happenings around me. Well that is really the reason for me to blog in first place actually.




A friend of mine told me that somethings that are good/bad are better being shared with others so that other people could pray for you as well. A good thought- i think!~
Thank you my dear friend. I'm the type who always prefer to believe in silver linings on each clouds.Seeing the best behind what mishaps happen and try to be grateful of what we already have.

But tell you the truth its very hard.
Its hard to be strong. Even to pretend to be strong.
Sometimes, watching Iman's innocent face while he sleeps in my arms gave me the strength I needed. I need to be strong for this little man. This little human being who beams up each time he sees my face. And smiles every morning when i wake him up to change his nappy before going to his babysitter.
My strength, my sunshine, my pride.
My lil hero.

To be frank, yes - I'm now  10 weeks pregnant. Again.
An accident? No.A miracle. A bliss.
Alhamdulillah.Happy to conceive again.
Twice the UPT test.And there's the two lines.
Alhamdulillah. We're content.

So off we went on with our lives as usual and the nauseas came to visit starting on the seventh week. Then finally we decided to have our first scan on the 9th week.
Last weeks check-up and first scan sent me devastated.
The sac was there. Size up to what it supposed to be.In the womb-exactly where it should be.
But the baby could not be found.
Whatt??All these nausea and yet no baby?I was really really upset. The mood and the morning sickness had also worsen the feeling.

But my gynea said that maybe her equipments are not that good and propose to me to get a scan from under. Yes-popping a microphone-like device from your vagina to get a better look. But she does not have that in her clinic- and would write a referral letter instead. Her prediction - we maybe need to have a D&C. Yeah, I remembered quite well how developed Iman looked during our 1st scan in 7wks before. And surely we should be able to see him already in 9wks.Mmm...

I preferred Hospital Putrajaya as always- as some private hospitals are not that hygienic and are not really equipped with up-to-date medical devices and sometime even blood bank supplies (scary isn't it?). Yeah,I'm not kidding-government hospitals are much much much more trustful. Trust me.

I'm due for the check-up next Tuesday.
Let me enjoy this Aidil-adha first before any bad or good news. Hari raya would be not much fun if you have to run through your confinement period in it. Whether to go under D&C (Oh Allah give me strength to let go of this baby) or to be strong enough for this new addition to our small family.
Another lil angle for me :)
All those little toes. little nose, tiny ears and all. :)

I'm hoping I'll be strong for this.Please Allah give me the strength I needed in facing this.
Friends- please do pray for me. For the best for me, for the baby.
For our small family.

I believe that Allah has good plans for us and He will test his creatures based on the strength He has given them. I feel blissed. Pregnancy is always a bless. As some of my dear friends are praying really hard each day to conceive and waiting anxiously each month to be late. But Allah has better plans for them.


Selamat Hari Raya Eidul Adha peeps!
May all of you have a nice hari raya!
Jangan mkn daging kuat sgt raya2 ni..nti kna darah tinggi/gout pula!~

To my friends who are still in confinement..sabar ajela.
Rendang daging must looked even tastier skrg!hehehehe....



Friday, November 4, 2011

Memo sudah release! Yay!

Yay! Iman's 1st visit to Sunway Lagoon la nmpk gayanya!~
Cepat Iman...you have 29days more to learn how to walk :)
Dh boleh jalan kedek2 baru lah syiokk...

Hope this will be really a year end's getaway for all the sorrow these days..Insyallah!~
Just can't wait.*excited*
Though I can expect with warga Proton yg beribu2 lemon ni..kolam nti lbh nmpk kepala manusia drp airnya..hehehe.

Mommy can't wait to bring Iman gedek2 :P

**siapalah agaknya yg akan menang kereta cabutan bertuah tahun ni?hmm..its interesting to win a car whilst others kept paying installments for 9years to own a car..considered really-really-really lucky.huhu~

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

May Allah bless you and let your Ruh be amongst the soleheens..

Dearest Aunt : Allahyarhamah Zaiton bt Muhamad.
1956- 1st November 2011

Beloved mother, daughter, aunt, sister, niece and wife.

May Allah rest your ruh in peace and let you be amongst the soleheens. Amen.


Ps- today evening-masuk office balik with tanah kubur on my trousers.
First time to witness directly how a Muslim burial take palace.Sob sob~