Thursday, September 29, 2011

Thursday Quotes

Quoting from a blog i favour :)
"Apa yang saya belajar daripada pengalaman yang kecil ini adalah, apabila tidak puas hati dengan suami tentang apa perkara sekalipun, fikir tentang diri anda terlebih dahulu. Have you given your best? Perfect sangatkah anda untuk rasa tidak puas hati dengan dia? And remember every single good thing he has done for you. Biasalah, apabila kita marah, apabila kita tidak puas hati, semua perkara yang buruk sahaja yang kita nampak. Yang baik semuanya kita tidak nampak. From here sudah nampak sangat kita yang tidak adil terhadap dia, bukan dia yang tidak adil terhadap kita.

Belajarlah bersyukur dengan apa yang ada. Belajarlah menerima si dia seadanya sebagaimana dia menerima kita seadanya. Kadang-kala kita ini terlebih banyak merungut, padahal kita seharusnya lebih banyak cuba untuk improve diri sendiri. Try to be a better person as each coming day and InsyaAllah things will be better for us too."
Just something for today.
Once upon a time ago. Hubby sgt slim time ni  :)
Thank you Allah for Mr Zulhalimey Zulkipli who completes me as a whole :P

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

September O September!~

Just in short: I'm relieved!

Alhamdulillah..everything went as planned. Zakiyya's already in Mesir. Zaynab's on honeymoon ;)
Mum's got her Masters already :)

The BIG Chassis Family Raya gath :)

still missing another half of the clan :)

Me?Now just hoping my working mood perks up  back as usual.Cuti lama beb.Kerja pn xfocus!~

Wake up Zahra! Its Sept already!~~
We have a car to launch sooner than we thought it'll be..and another model to start with again!~
And a loooot of answering to the board to do as well..


Back to work!~

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Good Things Are Meant to Be Shared- 01

Bagaimana Wardina mendidik anak solat 5 waktu

Ini antara artikel yang ditulis selebriti dikenali ramai, sweet mother of 3 :Wardina Safiyyah di Facebooknya dengan tajuk “BERBALOI PENAT LELAH KU…”. 

Quite interesting and a good read. Thanks dear Azlianna for forwarding this to me via email :)
Dear Mama, Ummi, Mum, Ibu, Bonda…
I have to share this with you… because i feel so happy and i feel that all my penat lelah paid off…I started to make my Amna to solat 5 times a day when she was 7, on her 7th birthday…we had a talk…(check note lama) tapi preparation since 6 la…
tapi dari kecik memang selalu ikut2 la kami solat….she hasnt missed her solat since. Walaupun lambat, tetap solat. I made sure of that – because the key is SOLAT ni kalau tak tanam dari kecik memang LIAT nanti….But it is very important to keep this in mind:-
1) kalau kita bagi dia tinggal WALAUPUN sekali nanti we are sending the wrong signal – kena make sure – every waktu without fail, walaupun penat, ataupun lambat
2) l Selalu kalau boleh solat together..mula2 memang kena solat together….kalau tak ada rumah make sure an adult in the house pastikan anak kita solat. (hari tu Amna pergi her reading class, i asked her teacher to take her to the surau) -lepas solat time tu lah peluk cium, senyum – i always kiss her at the head and say “Barakallahufiha” Ya Allah make my Amna a good Muslim Ya Allah….make her never miss her solat Ya Allah…..kuat2 bagi dia dengar….
ps:- kalau kena amik cuti ambillah – bukan waktu exam je amik cuti – buatlah STEP ini, yakni melangkah ke alam 7 thaun dan tidak meninggalkan solat A BIG Thing! “mama amik cuti hari ni sebab nak pastikan yang adik solat 5 waktu sehari!”

3) Selalu cerita how IMPORATANT it is to Allah is watching us… how we are good Muslims when we solat, how Allah loves us, Solat tu, untuk kita, bukan untuk Allah…..TAPI selalu jugak cerita yang akan ada orang TAK solat…acknowledge the fact that sometimes we feel lazy to solat….itu semua kerja SETAN! Fight them off….! I tell Amna that even some grown ups tak solat! I tell Amna that….we have to be strong.. we have to tell ourselves we will NEVER miss our solat…..
4) Awal2 subuh ni memang tak bangunkan, tapi as soon as dia bangun pagi, ill ask her to solat straight away.(yes memang leceh..but we have to, and we have to do it with LOVE diselang seli dgn strictness)
5) kalau dia tinggal – DENGAN sengaja, i take the rotan and hit her on her tapak tangan slowly, just as a reminder. After that i hug her and tell her i love her, and i just want her to remember – and guess what?? memang dia ingat!!! (3 kali baru, i think not bad, sampai satu hari dia terlambat solat, sebab keluar dan memang tak ingat, dia yang suruh rotan) But i tell her kalau TERLUPA atau TERTIDUR its ok…but kena solat terus bila bangun.
Macam ni ceritanya, i told Amna, kalau Ummi ambik Amna dari sekolah lambat, Amna solat dulu Asar kat sekolah….tadi memang datang lambat…i was loking for her..and guess what????
She was actually praying her Asar prayers…sorang je kat dalam surau tu….i wanted to pengsan and cry…she did all by herself…. i pun told her how happy and how proud i was of her…i tanya dia kenapa? dia kata “Amna ingat apa Ummi cakap”…..cair nya hatiku ini.
Apa lagi, Ummi ni peluk cium dia….and called nenek at Australia…now im sharing with all of you!!! Because i want us to raise generation of good Muslims that are disciplined, smart, intelligent -that remembers Allah because the world so BADLY needs good QUALITY Muslims like this!!!
And the foundation is – to start them off right – solat at SEVEN! Yes just as how Rasulullah asked us!I love you all!!! Good night….. But the key to all this IS Mak Ayah KENA dan WAJIB solat dulu…anak ketam tak boleh diajar berjalan terus…fahamkan?

 *** have some ideas for Iman :)
But need to improve self as well..

till then,


Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Iman is 7mths today!~ Yeahhh~~~

Happy 7 months my sweetest son! :)
May Allah always bless you..and keep you safe and sound.

Lets see how He's supposed to be by now :)
Alhamdullilah baby Iman's doing great..start to sit by his own and start crawling by now..and achieve what he is supposed to do.



Iman, mommy is so proud of you..just can't wait to hear you call me 'mommy' instead your usual 'eyh' now :)

4 to 7 months
Your baby knows his name now and understands that you're speaking to him when you say it. He'll even respond by turning toward you. He's becoming more attuned to your tone of voice, too. When you sound happy, he'll react joyfully, and if you speak to him sharply he'll become distressed and may cry. He's also beginning to tell the difference between strangers and people he knows, and he may cry when you put him in the arms of someone he doesn't recognize.

8 to 12 months
Your baby's beginning to understand simple requests. Say "no" when he tries to touch an electrical outlet, for example, and he'll pause and look at your face — maybe even shake his head "no" in return.

He's also testing your responses to his behavior. He'll throw food on the floor just to see what you'll do, and then file your response in his memory bank. Later he'll test the waters again to see whether you react the same way.


Just a busy any other day
So just a short entry in memorandum of my dear sweet son :)

More updates in detail..sooon!~


Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Thingy things just to write on a cold Tuesday!~

Just a quick jot on a cold Tuesday after a looong holiday and an intense meeting with the Head of MVF plant..huh!~ Mcm2 hal bila kereta dh masuk stage online in production plant.layan kan mostly mereka2 di bhgn production ni adalah org2 lama.yg dh berkapuk 25yrs++ in Proton..hihi.jahatnya.. Agaknya klu I dh tua nanti ada ke engineer2 jr yg mengutuk I engineer kapuk plak nti ek..hish susah nak imagine :)

Quite interesting facts I have (which based on my opinion jerr! :P) since i got married where else before this xpernah daku kesahkan :) Ok, now I'm really feeling like going into being a domestic diva.

Lets share : Things I never even care to know before i got married!~

1. Telur sepapan 30's gred A adalah plg murah di Hero, bukan di Mydin Mall.

2. Telur ada gred2 ikut besar.Yang besar gred A, yg kecil gred E.Terbalik dgn size bra..hehehe :P Hehe..berat sungguh zahra, yg ini pun xtahu before kawen..

3. Huggies M80 plg murah adalah di speedmart99.Ini adalah huggies dry yerr..bukan huggies ultra yg kaler purple tuh.

3. Mayonis cap Kimball adalah yg tersedap dan termurah dipasaran.Ye..mayonis cap kimball adalah wujud.

4. Susu pekat manis yg plg sedap ialah cap junjung. Milkmaid :)

5. Hotdog/frankfurter tersedap bukanla Ramly atau Ayamas..ia adalah frankfurter A1 (pek kuning) :)

6. Susu formula baby mana2 adalah sama. Yang membeza kan harga adalah iklan nya.Lagi byk iklan- lagi mahal harga susu.

7. Ayam segar termurah di bumi shah alam adalah di Hero.SSW xpenah jejak lagi sb byk mat bangla :(

8. Harga setong gas adalah near to RM30 skrg!Mahalnyerrr..

9. Cadar, langsir dan item2 yg sewaktu dgn nya tersangat murah di SOGO tingkat 5. Bukan di Nilai 1, 2 atau 3  :)

10. Ibu mertua bukanlah seorang monster..hehehe.

11. The feeling of being pregnant, is the most wonderful feeling ever!~ Dulu mmg takut takut beranak problem :)

12. Ajinomoto is a must in MOST homes! including my MIL and GMIL. I baru tahu since my mom xguna ajinomoto for cooking. So do I. But ever since hubby xpenah la complaint or taste the diff pn..heheh :) Jom promote NO to ajinomoto..cube pasti sedap..memang sedap.And cube2 yang sewaktu dgn nya..say NO to MSG :)

Ok la..terover pnjg plak entry harini.. just a piece of my mind.
Got to start drawing design again..
Kereta mau launch :)



Ok la..

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Mlm Ahad yg sgt penaattttt..

Hectic weekend..closed up finally with a trip to Lowyat Plaza with Iman,hubby,lil bro and Zakiyya.
Quite tiring but happy..happy for everything.
Tapi malas sgt sgt sgt sgt..nk iron baju and go to work esok.
Will miss Iman for sure sb dah 4days melekap dgn Iman..

..goodnite world....good nite kakchik yg sdg berhoneymoon :)

kelakar je mengingatkan my dad's soalan to kak chik pagi2 td..

"camane kak chik..hani tidur lena ke smlm?"
"lena sb letih..kitorg dua2 letih.."
"oho..dia ada kacau kakchik tido ke smlm?
*kakchik blush**

kitorg apa lagi bantai terkekeh2 la gelak kan dia..hehehee

hehe..blushing la pengantin baru bila bapak sendirik tnya mcm tu..mujur la dulu xdpt soalan sama..hehe

selamat berbulan madu kakchik and hani ludin!!

bestnya berbulan madu..bilalah agaknya dpt berhoney moon lagi :P

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

bila hujan..

Hujan lebat harini.
A/C dlm office yg mmg selama ni mmg menusuk tulang..bertambah menusuk..sejuk beb!~
Patut Proton ikut dasar bangunan ofis kerajaan-max 25degC.
Barula tiap2 thn bleh dpt bonus 6bln!~

:) :)

berangan jer nk bonus 6bln..
6minggu pn blum tentu dgn keadaan ekonomi skrg ni.
Dgn org malaysia yg xhargai hasil tangan anak bangsa sendiri.mmg haru biru la~
Sandaran harapan skrg hnyalah the next model..our coming baby!~
Malaysians all over pn dh excited nk tgk.siap snap curik lagi.

I laaagi la excited :) Cause working on this model is really worth it!~
Siang malam berpenat lelah..nk tido pn still fikir nk solve design issues.
Bila dh nmpk hasil-haruslah lega..
Letih smp Monday Class i ponteng..harini nye class pn plan to ponteng :p

Love every moments of it- love its outer body design as well.
Tp you all kna la tggu..canteq!
Exclusive gitu :)
Habis bayar persona ni..blehla opt for this baby pula.
hope it will be loved by ppl worldwide as well.Baru lbh berbaloi :P

The only baby for me for 2012.hopefully :)

Bkn I snap. I curi dr paultan.

Tp bila tgk org pregnant..terasa best plak pregnant..hehehe..
Mana bleh..kna bagi chance kat pengantin baru nye turn pula :)
Kita plan for the other year ajelah..insyallah ;)
Bagi abg Iman besar dulu..dh berakal sket.baru kasi hadiah adik seorg :)

To my sister Zaynab and my colleague Azlan Sani!
Selamat Pengantin Baru this coming Friday :)
Really happy for you guys!~

Best wishes and congrats from Zahra, Zulhalimey and baby Zulhadzrey Iman!~

bila hujan mcm nila..nak kerja dh xde mood.
So kita tulis rapu2 on blog.Hehe..

Last but not least..Happy 15th birthday to my dearest litlest sister..

Aliyya Sakinah

Which happens to be yesterday :)
Best wishes for your PMR. I know ur such a brilliant kid.
You can do it with even with your eyes tight shut.
Love you dear kiddo!~
You'll forever be my lil baby sister :)
Aliyya-kanan sekali :)

Till then,



Wednesday quote

"most difficult thing to do in the world is to change"

well, nobody likes changes except a baby with a dirty diaper :)
that's why we are always still at the same level for years and years and years..

ask the Japanese, why they still draw dwgs manually and dont believe in CATIA dwg.
hehehee.. gila sengal pakcik2 jepun2 ni..dunia dh modern still nak lukis pkai pembaris and endorse dwg pkai chop approve zaman batu.


Monday, September 12, 2011

Packed Jammed September

Happy Monday peeps!~
Syawal 14th already :)

Hmm..where to start..
Sometimes it feels quite awkward to jot down mostly everything happening in your life in a blog. And no matter who, could read them. But then, its quite good juga la..that after a browse back..and could remember all those things that happened.Major and minor milestones of your life. Your husband's..your baby's.Quite interesting though. And mostly-you could compare your writing skills and style..before.current.
wpn most of the time you're writing crap :)

Where else, most of the time, you write for yourself..just jotting down few sentences-and you feel a bit relieved. I'm kinda like that mcm tulis diary :) Lukis2 parts- pening & kering idea cmne nk design.-buka blog tulis kejap..then bila dh tenang dtg inspirasi. Kdg ppl heran, kerja menimbun, dwg siap, tp still have time to jot something in blog..itu namanya pengurusan masa ditempat kerja. hehehe.. *wink*

Talking about Sept, I've got the feeling that this wil be my busiest month in 2011!
Terlalu byk events happening..let's see one by one..

1. Raya!~
Ok raya..best2 enjoy happy.
At the end-dueett habis and meraba laki bini menghitung hari to payday :P

 2. Start semester baru after nearly 10mths break!!

Aduhai..malas sungguh start back to school.
Today is the 1st day plak tuh..huhu~

I love to learn and attend classes tp, nk drive ke sana after work..and to get out from the house on weekends yg buatkan i malas.class pula sume kat hujung dunia.Level 5, last building in Eng Faculty. Use stairs Ok sb lifts are only operating till 5pm and off on weekends!wth??masa pregnant aritu mcm nk pengsan rsnya bila after work..rush to class then naik 5 plights of stairs pula..mujur xterberanak aku samapai2 kat kelas..

tp nak buat cmnerr..perjuangan mesti diteruskan!~
Yahhh..must keep the grades up and maintain.nti Iman dh besar bleh tunjuk kat Iman...jd cth must belajar harder and dpt lbh baik..anak mommy haruslah lbh :)

3. Lil sister Zaynab's getting married!~ sweet lil sister.Dah nak kawen dh :)

Selamat pengantin Baru Kakchik and my old friend Hani Ludin!~
Selamt menempuh dunia baru..melangkah major milestone in your life!~
Don't worry much everything will be OK :)

Semoga both of you hidup barakah, murah rezeki, aman bahagia dan saling melengkapi antara satu sama lain hingga akhir hayat~

To my blogger friends or whoever who reads me - jemputlah dtg yerr..

Akademi Audit Negara, Bandar Enstek Negeri Sembilan.
17th September 2011

Seriously, I send 0 number of cards to my friends..just jemput tru hp and blog.
Quota card xcukup so let my sister make sure her friends get them. My friends second.
Lagipun its the same venue as mine last year, so my friends yg dtg last year sure dh tau katne :)

To zaynab dearest-next year raya make sure Iman dh ada cousin ok?meriahlah nanti. syiokk nya :)

4. Flying off to Thailand!

Ni bab yang plg malas sejak Iman ada. Sbnrnya since lepas kawen.

1week plak travel warrant xapprove lg.still-I'm in the list and hate it!
Jauh ke utara plak tu.Dh dekat dgn Phnom Penh dh gamaknya.Amata City, Rayong!~

First to :

Then to :

Nanti rindu rinduan ke abg memey I.
Tsk tsk...
Yang plg confirm, mesti nanges2 rindu kat si genit Iman tu..aish~

Demi Proton yg tercinta..kamon Proton-give a rise.
Ive been living under proverty all these while :p

5. Lil sis Zakiyya aka Mak Uteh Iman is flying off to Alexander Uni, Egypt!

So this will be the last raya before kak yah kesayangan kita bergelar doc :) Jadual flight on the 26th a MUST hantar to airport event sb adik kesayangan nk g jauh..syahdu la plak rasanya dibulan2 raya ni..

Adek Kinah and Kakyah
Selamat pergi and kembali dgn segulung ijazah kak yah!(wpn ada potential bwk balik husband and 3 org anak sekali.hikhik :P)
Akak sekeluarga sentiasa doakan yah berjaya. Rajin2 belajar, jgn byk main and rajin2 semayang! :)
Jaga diri leklok..we all love you!~
Sobsob T_T

6. And penutup Sept : Mom's convo UKM bangi :)

Iman & Geyma :)
 Dah grad dh akhirnya Grandma Iman! Congrats Ma for your Masters!!Grandma yg sentiasa awet muda!
Iman loves you soo much!!Nanti Iman mai tgk grandma terima sarjana k?

Banyak kan agenda?major ones pulak tu..
Yang kecik2 mcm majlis raya and open house xyah lah masuk ek?
Letih memikirkan nya shj :)
Will try to update one by one..excited sebenarnya to go through one by one..
Esp the wedding!~


Till then,



Saturday, September 10, 2011

Fun Facts :)

Fun facts taken from mizah's page :)
Good things to know as well. Hehehe..

Iman's birthday is on the 21st of February 2011 :)

Conceived on the 31st of May yeah?
Congrats!A sharp shooter indeed. Baby bunting pelamin nih ;)
Ok too much information..

Have a nice weekend peeps!~
Let's go party yeahhh! Rumah terbuka raya :)


Friday, September 9, 2011

Enam setengah enam setengah :)

Lama xbercerita pasal Iman.Anak mommy yg bijak :)

Zulhadzrey Iman Zulhalimey 

Iman dgn pak uda. Kopiah biru kiut kiut mommy beli kat bazar alamegah :)

Iman is already 6 setengah bln ++ :)
So far milestones yg dia dh buat/berjaya buat mmg mengumbirakan hati mommy nya sbg seorang ibu. Rasanya mana2 ibu pn bangga dgn apa apa jua pencapaian anak2nya. Btul x?
Jom kita tgk apa yg Iman dh pandai skrg :)

1. Pandai makan!~ Yes, Iman has started officially on solid food. Musti 2 bowls each day! Xkesah la beras cerelac ke..bubur nasi cmpur ikan bilis ke..mst licin.mesti happy time mkn. Pagi sekali, ptg skali..Tp susu still mcm biasa 5oz  5-6bottles per day :) Latest favorite - kurma..suka manis kot :)

2. Mengesot..ok speed sudah laju skrg..xterkejar mommy. Stakat ni dh 3x jatuh katil. Mana xnye..xmenyempat nyempat kita paling sket je..bumm dh tersembam..mujurla anak mommy ni superboy. Nanges kejap ajer..pastu bleh sengih2 suka :)

3. Tidor kat lantai atas toto dh skrg. Sb crib dh terlalu sempit nk berguling2. Time tido mcm org besar. Berguling2.. paling kiri kanan. angkat kaki peluk bantal. Tp apa jua aksi-puting still lekat dlm mulut yerr..

4. Tahu nama sendiri. And menyahut bila dipanggil. Bila daddy panggil smbil depang kan tgn..laju je mengengsot2 ala askar ke arah daddy..laju.dh smpai dekat hulur tgn suruh daddy angkat.. alahai cute sgt!~
Pandai anak mommy nih..

5. Pandai angkat bontot..dh nak still jatuh2 lagi..lom terer :) Pandai panjat badan mommy and daddy bila kami tgh baring..nk g ke seberang. Sekarang siap goyang2 punggung lagi :)

6. Suka sgt2 plastic makanan/keropok/roti gardenia 70sen tuh..pantang jumpa..mesti ronyok2..

7. Kertas pn pantang jumpe juga.habis la dwg2 and note book mommy! Ronyok, koyak masuk mulut..puekk~

8. Favorite toy : Sin chan mak uteh bagi :)

9. Favorite game : geletek perut..hehehehehe..

10. Last but not least : sudah tahu klu mommy pakai tudung tandanya nk g jalan!~ Aduh..pantang sungguh, mesti nk dukung smp masuk kereta :)

Alhamdulillah sudah besar and pandai anak mommy skrg..
Just very gratefull for this chance of being a mother that Allah has given to me..lbh sedih lps tgh cerita kat ASTRO- Satu permintaan lakonan Eja and Mia Sara..3times conceived tp miscarriage.

Alhamdulillah. Family is always a bliss :)


Soal Makan :)

Hari ni nak cerita pasal makan.
Pasal cooking. Effort to cook. Cooking skills.
Org kata menambat hati suami - must through his tummy :)
So, eversince being married, I'm trying hard to be good cook.

Reason? I've been married to a picky eater yg mama and nenek nya adalah tukang masak terkenal di Pasir Mas kelate. Masak mmg kaw-kaw nye sedap. Memang terliur2 la esp tang nasi dagang, kurma daging buku and ayam percik..perghhh.So when it comes to me - all my cookings will be criticized accordingly.Sedap ke..xsedap ke..masin ke..tawar ke (manis xpenah komplenla plak :) ) sume akan di kritik.

Awal2 kawen mmg makan hati juga la.Not that I'm a lousy cook. I tahu masak. Yg simple mmg bleh nk pass la.Mana xnye..xbiasa dikutuk.Skrg ni xdelah sensitif mcm dlu lagi..dh biasa.sudahnya..kita tnya dulu apa yg dia nk mkn-kita msak. Tak tahu masak kita google-experiment..hehehehe.
Adik2 di rumah mama makan aje sumer..sumernya sedap klu kakak dia sorang ni yang masak.
Bangsa yg makan sume tolak batu dgn kayu aje :)

Bagus juga sebenarnya..good to improve myself. yelah before this- my siblings jenis I masak sumenye sedap belaka.Asal masak mesti licin!
Skrg setelah bersuami- dialah racun dialah penawar.
Pemuji atau pengeji.
Lucky me.I've got my own food tester  :)

Hero hero kesayangan :)

Just quite a challenge for me- to make hubby eat his greens and veggies. Klu tomato tu mmg reject habis-habisan la..even yg dh potong kecil2 letak dlm mee goreng pn dia bleh pilih and asingkan. Takkan nak blend pula.Aish~

Sayur lain lagi la..klu bukan kobis atau pucuk paku..mmg reject.Langsung tak jamah! dah ada anak ni agak risau juga la..mana tau terikut2 perangai daddy nyer yg semi karnivor ni.
So I need to have a plan.a good one!

Makanya-I masak je sayur2 yg xpahit and manis2..setakat ni dua jenis dh berjaya!Brocolli then bayam!
A good start. Alhamdullilah..berjaya after puas meng'convince' yg both sayur adalah tidak pahit-hubby tried! And voila..dia kata sedap.
Baguss suami ku!~
I like!!

Semalam letak kangkung dlm nasi goreng kampung. dia try makan and makan lagi.
X segregate sayur from nasi. Alhamdulillah.
Then cakap " Yang, sedapla bayam ni dlm nasi goreng!~"

"Eh, yg itu bukan bayam la abg-itu kangkung"

Hehe.comel la abg ni :)
Ok mission bleh sayur-still undecided.
Successfully. And Iman tak jadi picky eater.

Jom. I love veggies campaign!! :)

. . .



Thursday, September 8, 2011

Raya bertiga..sblm ber4 ber5 atau ber6 :)

Salam Aidilfitri everyone!~

W/pn dh 10 Syawal, but stil Syawal- so still valid utk post gambar raya.
Thanks to mak uteh Iman cik yah yg bakal fly ke bumi Mesir next week for copying and delivering the pics to us in Saujana Putra :)

Thanks juga sb jaga tlg jaga Iman bila ibuwan dia xde semalam.
Iman kata I love you Mak Uteh :) :)

Back to the pics-Alhamdulillah first time beraya bertiga. 
Perasaan yg sgt happy, mengujakan dan seronok.
Tambah pula beraya di Salak Tinggi, lg la best :)

Theme for this year : Silver.Grey.Black.White. :)
Jom beraya dgn pics...

Impian tercapai!Syahdu sblm semayang raya :)

After semayang. One Happy Family.

Mommy and Iman. Muka nak nanges :)

Daddy and Iman :) Dh nanges..
Iman di hari raya.Mkn toys!~~

Kami.We're now a family :)

Iman with cousin Adam Darwisy inspecting rims.Future Engineers in the making.

Our beloved family :)

Again-sebab td kak yah xnampak.Nenek-theme warna warni :)

Raya ke-2 and seterusnya blk umah mama Qelate..13hrs perjalanan yg memenatkan but still happy jmp org2 yg dh lama xjmp di kampung.

Hope that next year will be better and more enjoyable than this year..and still bertiga.
Insyallah :)

To all my friends- jemputlah beraya ke umah kami :)
Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri again :)

Till then tata..


Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Raya Blues

First day of work after 1wk++ bercuti adalah amat2 chalenging (--").
Missing Iman 1st thing in the morning :(
Sedih je tgk muka dia kna tggal pagi tadi..huhu~

mommy miss you.sobsob.
Pagi2 ni mmg blurr.Deadline still blurr.
Opening email : blurr.
Buka dwg nk modify design : blurr.
Buka teamcenter nak update data and EBOM : lagi blurr.
Semua xtau nk mula dr mana.
Boss pula AL hari ni..mmg syiookkk la.. *joget*joget*
Rugi proton bayau gaji aku harini.

Good thing is : dpt my usual dose of 8.15am Nescafe panas.Nyaman!~
Dah sebulan cwn kesayangan ku since 4yrs bekerja di proton ditinggalkan xberusik bwh meja.

My raya was great!~
Raya di Sepang, Selayang, then back to Kelate.
Raya target achieved! - dapat semayang raya bersama2 hubby!
Iman tinggal kat umah dgn grandma :)
Attended cousin Yusof's wedding in Pulai Chondong.
Gubahkan hantaran for sis in law's engagement.
Sis in law got engaged!~
Shopping in Rantau Panjang.Got me self a BIG kuali.
Harusla happy bershopping brg2 rumah setelah menjadi domestic goddess skrg.Huhu~
Kutip kutip duit raya Iman :) Tabur and kira2 dgn hubby.
Best best.

**Happy mode**

Nak beraya je xmo kerje2..bestnya klu bleh cmtu (--") . . .

More updates coming soon la with pics :)
How was yours?Bestkan raya :)
W/pn hubby mcm xbrapa happy, tapi once dh arrive in Kelate.happy teruslah dia.. :)

Dah tulis2 blog barula rasa bersemangat sket nk bekerja semula.
Jom update things to do plak for this week sb kereta dh nk launch xlama lagi~~
Esok need to go for quality audit in Melaka.*letihnya memikirkan to drive to and fro*
Docs need to be ready.

Next week in Rayong, Thailand pula..aish~
Mau meroyan moomy rindu pada Iman.

**off for another cup of coffee dulu.

Selamat Hari Raya.

**to Shidah ( swear- i did'nt know you follow me on my blog). Maaf zahir batin.Mari la dtg umah :)
