Sunday, August 28, 2011

Ramadhan Journey : Day 28

Harini kami semua dh selamat smp umah ma. w/pn hanya di sepang selangor..but this is my kampung.
bak kata hubby, blum habis lagu 'balik kg!' sudirman hj arshad dh smp pintu rumah :)
Yelah..klu blk klate..3-4 kali cd lagu raya berputar-ulang=balik pn x sampai2 lagi :P

bila dh betul dekat nk raya ni..everything is already about raya..dh balik umah ma..lbh2 la rasa bahangnya..happy nya raya di kampung sendiri.di rumah mak sendiri..nak tidor the whole day pn xjatuh reputasi diri..hahaha..

last year, kami blk klate.1st time beraya as a wife- blk raya di kampung suami.dh la masa tu br 3bln kawen-mabuk pregnant pn maseh terkesan kesan kan lagi..di pagi raya syahdu je mengenangkan family kat sepang..hukhuk..husband plak happy giler la..dpt seminggu full beraya kat umah dia.nk sedih2 pn kenala terima kan..adat org dh berkahwin.

End up, i mabuk di pagi raya.and xdapat merasa syahdu ke masjid bersama2 as husband and wife di pagi hari raya. So thn ni..i'll make sure that will happen.Iman will tag along as well :)

Talking about nk mengambil kesempatan ini utk mengucapkan..selamat hari raya maaf zahir batin to all friends, work colleagues, family, kwn2 d blog..BFFs.

minal aidil wal faizin dr kami sekeluarga  ;)

Talking about BFFs..Im in mode kecik hati with my schoolhood BFF.Iman dh 6mths still btg hidung dia pn xde nk jenguk2 I..I visited her masa dia gave birth, baby br 10days.still dlm hari  lagi..dgn perut memboyot dh 7.5mths time tu. Ajak dtg cukur jambul pn tarak sorry i cant attend..or whatsoever..sms-xpernah balas..mujur maseh ada kengkawan yg syg datang juga menjejak rumah my mom di ceruk sepang ni.

I don't know.I think her husband xsuka i..that's why. Apa nk buat bila org xsuka..tapi..klu wife nya BFF jgnla di halang2 utk berikan her a lil freedom to befriends with other ppl.

So for now on, hubby sndiri kata-org xingat kita..kita delete je dia..kwn kan ramai lagi.
Jgn susah2 hati.
Jgn tambah dosa.


Ok.i think Ill do that.Susah better than menyakitkan hati.

Oklaah. Selamat hari raya everyone.

Tahun ni kami raya bertiga.
I was looking forward for this raya since i was in school days :P


Friday, August 26, 2011

Ramadhan Journey - Day 26 : Last day at work!~

Already last day at work..and its a Jumaat.
So nti jap lagi nk keluar semayang jumaat kat luar..straight jela BALIKKKK :)

Chassis Engineering Design Raya Poster :)

Minta maaf kwn sepejabatku..
Buat kereta mmg mcm bina puzzle yg besar.
A piece seorang to chip in..and slalula kita bergaduh-gaduhan utk space yg plg efficient.
Klu x gaduh2 xde challengingla hidup as an engineer :)

Salam Aidilfitri to all.
Minal Aidil wal Faizin..

To drivers: drive carefully.
Drive a Proton :)


Zulhadzrey Iman

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Ramadhan Journey - Day 25!~~

Day 25-Keterujaan raya dh tak dapat dikawal lagi :) :)
Now everything is about raya.
Even 3D radiator pun dh nampak mcm ketupat.Owh ketupat and rendang..bestnya klu dpt tgh2ari yg sejuk mcm ni..tambah2 bila puasa cenggini biskut kering Hupseng pn nmpak sedap..

Now for  4 days towards raya..nk kerja pn dh xberapa nk menentu :) Ai teruja betulla..mengalahkan bdk kecil :P Exciting coz this year raya with my family in Sepang :) Raya ke-2 baru konvoi ke Klate.Teruja sb dh ada Zulhalimey Jr..1st year bertiga.Tentulah teruja! Next year Insyallah still bertiga. The other year bolehla ber4 pula klu ada rezeki :)

Kat office pn sume org dh mood raya.some even dh cuti dh pn. Today's hubby's last day-esok dh start cuti.Me-still working esok.Sebab hari Jumaat rugilah nk cuti..sayang cuti yg dh ciput tu :) Partner semeja kat office hari ni lagi dh start cuti..bukan main lagi!~

Semalam we were on mission to mengerjakan hampers yg dpt drp vendors2 yg baik hati.Wpn I tahu sbnrnya ada udang disebalik mi..I terima rezeki dgn tgn terbuka :) Bila tang kerja, klu yg bg hamper tu salah..akan ttp dimarah maki hamun juga..huhu~ Alhamdulillah setimbun juga la food yg dpt from 1 hamper.

So we all bahagi2 kan..1/3 to bring with to Klate , sebahagian utk ke umah ma di sepang..and some for keeps. Banyak juga la Coklat in a can pn dh ada dua can. Biscuits lagi..adalah dekat 10boxes kot. Then as usual ada sweets, air sebotol, lychee in can, dodol, tart nenas, keropok udang double decker 3 bungkus..ali cafe 30 sachet pn ada.St Dalfours Peach tea..air tin lagi..mmg heaven la.
Jimat grocery trip sekali after raya nanti.hehehe :) Thank you dear vendor.

Today- another 2 hampers waiting.Arigatou Gozaimas vendor2 ku ya!~

Kuih muih berbalang2 yg dh beli pn dh siap agih2kan yesterday :) Quota utk umah ma klate..and umah ma sepang..umah sendiri pun mesti ada :)
Dpt la 2balang kecil quota utk babysitter Iman..masti kna bagi kakwan yg sungguh baik hati.
Tahun ni xbuat kuih dh..nanti dh dkt raya buat kek coklat sebiji.Cukupla..
Beli shj.mudah.cepat.sedap.

So far..everythings done for my raya checklist EXCEPT kemas rumah.
Plan2 sabtu ni nk kemas rumah smp licin berkilat :)
Then baru blk iftar umah ma.

Ai..sumenya pasal raya sekarang.. i like!~~


Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Ramadhan Journey - Day 24

Salam 24th ramadhan!
5days to Raya!yeahhh..

Mm sbnrnya, in actual, Im writing day sbnrnya bercerita ttg what happened the day before.I think you guys perasan kan?

Whatever la..just now thinking that the 1st ramadhan journey as a mother- I have done quite well up to day 24..alhamdulillah. With lil Iman in life now, everything seems more complete :)

Iman and MrTiggs.

Alhamdulillah, ups and downs..everything went well. Setakat ni sepenat mana pun the night before, with Iman sometimes asking for milk in the middle of the night, i still prepare for hubby his sahur.W/pn hnya hotdog goreng and telur masak separuh..the thought of even to wake up esp on weekdays and eat, it really a HUGE challenge for me. I guess cause of dh niat nk bgn, sometimes when i was too tired at night and straight tidor w/out setting the alarm clock..I tersedar at 4.50am. Sometimes, Iman yg merengek minta susu exactly at 4.45am seolah olah nak tlg kejut mommy bgn sahur. I believe that mmg if we niat for something good or noble, Allah is always there to help us. Resultnya-mmg since day one, we sahur without fail-everyday with a tumbler of hot Milo each.

Eh jap-ada satu hari terlajak..but that's our own fault sb g Uptown shah alam and smpai umah dekat 2am..hehehe

So far, everything's going fine. And Iman semakin galak tawaf menge'mop' satu rumah..Selongkar bakul baju...bakul mainan. And I know now he's aiming for the stairs sb twice or thrice I found him at the bottom of the stairs tepuk2 anak tangga happiliy. Please dont Iman!Luruh jantung mommy klu Iman say hi from celah2 tgga at the upper most stair! 


Mode happy juga sb loan rumah dh lulus!Yeah..
OK fine, dh 27 br nk beli rumah.
But better late than never,,or in this case not yet la kan?
Not our dream house in actual.
Tp we'll weave it to fit our dreams.. :)

Home sweet home :)
me+Iman melawat kawasan :)


Just a sneak preview of how our new home looks like now.Semak samun sket on the laman tepi xpe that could be amend! :)

Mahal weih rumah skrg ni..esp in Lembah Klang/SA..if nak rumah besar when working in SA sbnrnya bleh je nk opt to buy a house in Rawang, Bukit Beruntung or Sepang.But transportation cost la plak..
In Bkt Beruntung for example you could get a semi-D, double storey for 2xxk.Kat sini harapla..
Even apartment tingkat 5/small condo pun dh 200k..

So with my small engineer cabuk paycheck+hubby's this is only what we could afford :'(
20x70ft.Double storey.End Lot.
Still some renovation to do.

Alhamdulillah.Syukur :)

Oklah..Till then.


Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Ramadhan Journey : Day 23

Day in day out.
Mood : Already raya mood.

Done today :
1.Email ALL vehicles to stop testing for the sake of my part quality. Gila kuasa betul..sukahati jer soh sume org stop activity.Huh!~
2. Went to Admiral, Puma and Axel's warehouse sale during 1pm break.Seksyen 27 SA.Got 5 pairs of shoes for RM55!Yeah~
3. Got another hamper from my vendor. Thank you uolss. Buat susah2 jerr.. :)
4. Others : write blog.pump pump.jwp email.lukis lukis CATIA.tenung gambar Iman.Mommy miss you baby!

Mondays mmg monday blues kan?
Skrg agak kronik coz every Monday mesti homesick rindu Iman.

Monday, August 22, 2011

How will I know when my baby's ready?

Some info I found useful from babycenter.Lets share!
Thank you baby center!

Your baby will give you clear signs when he's ready to move beyond liquid-only nourishment. Cues to look for include:
  • Head control. Your baby needs to be able to keep his head in a steady, upright position.
  • Losing the "extrusion reflex." To keep solid food in his mouth and then swallow it, your baby needs to stop using his tongue to push food out of his mouth.
  • Sitting well when supported. Even if he's not quite ready for a highchair, your baby needs to be able to sit upright to swallow well.
  • Chewing motions. Your baby's mouth and tongue develop in sync with his digestive system. To start solids, he should be able to move food to the back of his mouth and swallow. As he learns to swallow efficiently, you may notice less drooling – though if your baby's teething, you might still see a lot of drool.
  • Significant weight gain. Most babies are ready to eat solids when they've doubled their birth weight (or weigh about 15 pounds) and are at least 4 months old.
  • Growing appetite. He seems hungry – even with eight to ten feedings of breast milk or formula a day.
  • Curiosity about what you're eating. Your baby may begin eyeing your bowl of rice or reaching for a forkful of fettuccine as it travels from your plate to your mouth.

How should I introduce solid food?

For most infants, you can start with any pureed solid food. While it’s traditional to start your baby on solids with a single-grain cereal, there's no medical evidence to show that introducing solid foods in a particular order will benefit your baby. Good foods to start with include pureed sweet potatoes, squash, applesauce, bananas, peaches, and pears.

First, nurse or bottle-feed your baby. Then give him one or two teaspoons of pureed solid food. If you decide to start with cereal, mix it with enough formula or breast milk to make a semi-liquid. Use a soft-tipped plastic spoon when you feed your baby, to avoid injuring his gums. Start with just a small amount of food on the tip of the spoon.

If your baby doesn't seem very interested in eating off the spoon, let him smell and taste the food or wait until he warms up to the idea of eating something solid. Don't add cereal to your baby's bottle or he may not make the connection that food is to be eaten sitting up and from a spoon.

Begin with a once-a-day feeding, whenever it's convenient for you and your baby, but not at a time when your baby seems tired or cranky. Your baby may not eat much in the beginning, but give him time to get used to the experience. Some babies need practice keeping food in their mouths and swallowing.

Once he gets used to his new diet, he'll be ready for a few tablespoons of food a day. If he’s eating cereal, gradually thicken the consistency by adding less liquid. As the amount your baby eats increases, add another feeding.

How will I know when my baby's full?

Your baby's appetite will vary from one feeding to the next, so a strict accounting of the amount he's eaten isn't a reliable way to tell when he's had enough. If your baby leans back in his chair, turns his head away from food, starts playing with the spoon, or refuses to open up for the next bite, he has probably had enough. (Sometimes a baby will keep his mouth closed because he hasn't yet finished with the first mouthful, so be sure to give him time to swallow.)

Do I still need to give my baby breast milk or formula?

Yes, your baby will need breast milk or formula until he's a year old. Both provide important vitamins, iron, and protein in an easy-to-digest form. Solid food can't replace all the nutrients that breast milk or formula provides during that first year. See how much breast milk or formula babies need after starting solids.

Hope this will help many :)

Ramadhan Journey - Day 22

Alhamdulillah..dh masuk trimester ke-3 dh Ramadhan thn ni.
And Iman pun dh masuk 6months yesterday!
Makanya saya pun dh berjaya exclusive pumping for 6mths and still flowing.
Ok too much information.

Wpn tidak berjaya exclusive breastmilk.I pasrah.
6mths pumping only is an a HUGE challenge for me.
With all the huffing and puffing stress berkerja.
And letih mlm cause of the work the day before.
I really deserve to give my shoulder a pat!

But without keizinan Allah..nothing could happen easily.
So Alhamdulillah for this amazing milky journey you grant me.
Even my MIL was surprised that the milk still flows.(though xdelah like some my dearest colleagues yg skali pump dpt 2-3bottles).
She once said if it still flows up to 100days after birth,paling lama if baby x direct feed.
Yeah..glad to prove her wrong.
Well of course I'm not the first to exclusive pump..some EP mothers even pump up till 2yrs.
Which really does inspire me. women out there..yg rasa susu cepat lapar.Keep on!
Jgn mudah putus can do it!
And those who mengeluh lenguh coz baby melekap all night long.
Coz some mommies do'nt even get to experience those precious moments.
And need to work harder to keep the flow on.
And remember, perhaps the next baby wont be able to suckle even.


As for Iman, today he's staying with my lil sis Zakiyya. Kak Wan needs a day off today for check-up, which is another headache for me as my nicest ever baby sitter is pregnant la plak..ok, xmau menambahkan serabut dikepala.Problem to be settled in 6mths ahead when she's due..

3days weekend we spent at the family hse.With the new renovated additional rooms at Mama's..selesa dh rumah bg kami nk stay.And Zaynab's getting married- lagi2 la menambah sebab utk mama menambah bilik.Iman pn dh selesa nak mengengsot2 mcm ulat bulu merata2 at Grandma's.Hope Zakiyya could manage him well. I know she's gonna do nenek pn ada kat umah mama.Bleh bg tunjuk ajar :)

And yet Iman has started solids!Yeay..
Dah besar dh anak mommy! :)
First start - to play safe..Nestle Cerelac - Rice fortified with Iron.
Alhamdulillah..he's happy with that :)


Semalam went to Nilai3 for Zaynab's hantaran preps.So far found everything that we searched for and alhamdulillah within budget. Quite peculiar though as Zaynab opt for silver and black as her theme colour.Black for a wedding for me is not that suitable.Tapi xpela..its her wedding. Let her decide..I like it to be like that. I just bg nasihat for which flowers to pick, and which ribbons to use.Jgn beli bukan2..tak cukup beli lagi.

Nilai3 was extremely crouded.and extremely panas.
Mujur Iman tggal dgn grandma.Klu x sure merengek ajer.

The day before brought Iman together to Giant and tried him on few baby walkers.
He liked the idea of having to stand all by himself.
So despite of several taboos of baby walkers usage- I think I'll put walker for Iman in consideration.
Yeke naik walker boleh bantutkan perkembangan motor skills baby?
Org dulu2 letak je anak dlm walker..besar jd doctor, engineer berjaya jerr...

Ok la. Sbnrnya I'm upstairs, ponteng perhimpunan pagi.
Speaker selalu xclear..I dont like..

Need to start work.
Till then.

Salam Aidilfitri dah ni..:)

Mode raya :)


Friday, August 19, 2011

Ramadhan Journey - Day 19

Wow..already 19days in ramadhan but still feel like new!
The journey continues.
The workload remains.
Semuanya dugaan menahan kesabaran di kala berpuasa.

May all of us mendapat pahala berlipat ganda.

The quest of making cars still continues like crazy. Being not able to eat, drink and need to pump as well makes me lose my temper easily.Org buat salah, hantar brg lambat sume rasa nk marah.
Bila org minta kita ubah design-sume rasa tempis.
Bila org minta nk pipe lurus je..xmau belok2.rasa mcm nk bg org tu mkn penampar.ingat dlm kereta ni..ada 1part je ke?Its a puzzle ok.need to make everything fit and at most of the knala menyimpang siurkan diri.Ok2..sabar sabar.tarik nafas..hembus.

Just a relieve when the vendors working with you enduring all those huff and puffss- ajak blanja iftar ramadhan. For me, that's just a treat. Not bribery.

Just once in a while get together.And I'll go-whenever nothing's come my way. For me, its rezeqi. Nak pergi sendiri bayar with your own money mmg xpergila.
Same goes to Raya hampers.I accept dgn tangan hati and mulut terbuka.

Thank you guys.susah2 aje siap hantar kerumah i. tp i tak jamin la you dpt project seterusnya.
hamper bukan termasuk dlm criteria yerr..:)


Smlm, I was on MC just memikirkan all these things at work.terus dpt headache.And decided to stay home rather than spending 2/3 of my day laying in the surau. And to keep me company, I asked hubby to leave Iman temankan.

Well, long story made short, Iman nak we sat on the big bed- we sang together 'twinkle2 lil stars' and 'itsy bitsy spider' sambil I pump milk..and then fed him and off he went doozing.
I pn as usual mengepung dgn bantal segala all around him..xmau bg tergolek jatuh.
And turun ke bwh (the bedroom is upstairs) to finish washing the laundry.

10 minutes afterwards, Iman cried.
I hurried upstairs.Finding him on the floor.
Luruh jantung tgk anak dh tergolek atas lantai.
OMG..Iman jatuh!!~






I tried to comfort him by offering him his milk.working.Alhamdulillah
Good boy..cry no more ok?
I tried to examine hime.tgk ada luka ke..bruise ke..padahal dlm hati dh rasa amat2 bersalah.
headache sume hilang dh..ntah ke mana.
His kening was a lil bit red.indicating he went down head first.ala2 superman terjun tu..And his toy rattle was also on the floor.
Rasanya he was going after the rattle.
aduhai..sakit jiwa mommy!~

Called hubby to come home and go to clinic.Balik2 je daddy Iman-mmg teruk la I kna marah~
Redha je la.mmg salah mommy pn Iman.Sorry Iman!~

But alhamdulillah despite all the chaos-the doctor said Iman was fine.
Strong boy anak mommy.
No vomits. No feeding refusals. No slow activity.
Still himself as usual.But I'll keep on monitoring him for 36hrs.

Iman -ulat gonggok mommy

Tp raya dh ada bruise kat kening la nanti.ala2 harry porter gitu.
Nakal nih~

Xpela..lesson learnt-since Iman dh start bleh mengesot and guling2-Iman needs to sleep in his own crib at all times.
Else on the floor.

Lesson learnt for Iman - terjun dr katil itu sakit rasanya :P


Memang rasa sgt bersalah to you Iman.
Maafkan lah mommy underestimating your abilites to climb bantals now.
Hope everything's ok with him and nothing went wrong.huhu~

May Allah protect you always my dear child.
Jangan nakal2 tau.kasi mommy heart attack je dibulan pose ni.


Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Ramadhan Journey - Day 17 Wordless Wednesday

Kita makan kaki!!!
Menu berbuka hari ini utk Iman.
Tp bila mommy nk amek gambar-kita mesti tgk kamera, buat muka terkejut and hentikan aktiviti makan kaki serta merta.


Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Ramadhan Journey - Day 16

Ramadhan kali ni is full with Iftar invites from various vendors.
From KGSAAS, Thai restaurants, and hotel buffets..macam2 ada.
And for sure i'll tag along hubby and Iman.
Itu mesti.mana bleh tggal.
Nak belanja I, packagenya ialah 2seats.ok?

Inilah yg dinamakan rezeki.

For me, its not a sin to once in a while splurge on luxurious things.
As long as you don't go membazir and berlebih2an.
Everything needs to be in moderation.
So marila skali skala berbuka scr buffet di hotel.
Saja tukar angin.spend some time with your love ones.

Dalam byk2-Best buffet in town so far: Concorde Hotel.Melting pot Ramadhan Buffet.
Sedap smp menjilat jari. (hehe..promote habes habesan ni..)  :)
Food ranges from Nasi and lauk pauk such as gulai lemak nangka and udang sambal, salad bar, dessert bar, to Malay specialties such as lemang, rendang unta, sup gearbox,Gulai kawah daging rusa..Western roasted beef, cheese and grapes, oysters on ice and also Arabian food- nasi arab, prawns in yogurt, mandi and roti arab with kambing panggang..

In short, memang berbaloi.Wpn xyah bayar..vendor baik hati dh belanja.
Mmg berbaloi even if kna bayar sendiri :)
And most importantly sedap.Sebab byk buffet yg kita g..mostly xsedap.
choices byk tp rasa hampeh.

Jom2...skali skala berbuffet Ramadhan.
Jom g Concorde Shah Alam.

Selamat Berpuasa everyone!~
And selamat bercuti Nuzul Qur'an tomorrow.


Monday, August 15, 2011

Ramadhan Journey - Day 15

Sekejap je dh day 15 berpuasa.
Means dh halfway through Ramadhan.
And dh tinggal 15 days nk raya!~

Operasi pembuatan kereta masih berjalan seperti biasa.
And adakalanya memerlukan engineer2 cabuk spt sy ke plant Tanjung Malim utk verify/settle problem picked up in build ups.
Which is memenatkan.
And mengantukkan.
To drive all the way to and fro.Tanpa boleh kunyah chewing gum.Or a dose of caffein.

But life goes on.
Projects goes on. and on. and on.
Now we're even looking into diesel engines :)
and small global cars..

Ok la jom cerita pasal iman.
Baru happy2 sket.

Iman-now 7.6kgs and growing happily :)
I think so.
Tinggi dh 67cm.Tinggi anak mommy nih.

Big boy already :)

And during his 5th mth injection.dok agah doctor..till himself xsedar pehanya disuntik :)
Dia yg agah doctor tau..sambil mengekek.bukan doctor agah dia.nakal yerr..
And at 5mths 1week Iman started to mengengsot.mcm ulat bulu mommy tgk..funny and cute..haha.
So dulu drp bleh tgk je mommy and daddy dr jauh bbuka puasa, skrg dh mobile..bleh engsot2 dtg dekat..
and tlg mommy mengemas!yeah~

Once dh mobile ni-amatla berbahaya skali. Favorite Iman-plastics, kertas2 iklan kedai perabot yg hari2 dpt tu..and plastic keropok.So now a big no-no to all.Wires and all pn kna sorok2 dh..xleh tggal Iman dh laju dh.penghibur mommy.huhu~

And best of all is his emotional development..klu kita buat tone2 suara ala2 tinggi panggil nama dia..dia akan cebik..and start crying..hehe.funny btul.
 ..ok xfunny.

 Kisah anak mommy yg tough,kuat dan sihat.Alhamdulillah..

And yesterday was actually a day out for Iman with mommy and daddy.
Memburu baju raya.
Malas nak ke Jalan TAR.Shah Alam pn dh ok dh :)
Lagipun daddy mmg aim for Gene Martino-baju melayu murah, cantik, selesa and berkualiti.
Habis pusing satu Plaza Alam Sentral.
Grab 1bj for mommy and 1 for daddy.
Then sambung to Mydin Mall grab few more in the stalls jual jual downstairs.
Org ramainya yang amaat.huh.
Then to a bazaar ramadhan in Puchong.
And finished with Iftar at our fav Thai restaurant :)

Alhamdulillah Iman behaved well, though refuse to duduk dlm stroller.Mujur la adikku yg baik hati Zaynab pernah hadiahkan baby carrier anakku utk kakaknya ini..jd off we go.

Daddy and Iman :)
On off in stroller and in carrier-almaklumlah daddy kan berpuasa.Penat katanya pikul 7.6kg baby.Rasakan br 7.6kg.dulu masa pregnant tambah air ketuban, uri semua..maunya 10kg juga tau..lagi mau bising kata syg jln lambat sgt.hehehe.jahat je.

Pendek kata- dapatlah semua yg di plan kan in one shot.Habis dekat RM700 juga la..aduh.
Utk Iman xyah dh ok.Mommy beli kan pacifier and strap dia je..hehe.
Strap pacifier utk raya :)

Best juga keluar bertiga. esp when Iman behaves.Mommy like :)
Boleh bawak lagi..already twice berbuka diluar with vendors, in KGSAAS and in Sri Pinang seksyen 15 bwk Iman skali.Iman behave je..xde jerit2.xde nanges2..ha camtula good boy.boleh la mommy bwk lagi :)

See pacifier kena luekk.Bergambar mesti nk kna control macho :P

Ok. That's all for day 15.
May the other 15days to go are being filled in with the best!
Selamat berpuasa semua!~


Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Ramadhan Journey - Day 09

Jawatan kosong.

Special Edition for Ramadhan :)
Selamat Beramal..

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Activity menjelang Ramadhan~

Salam to uollss!~

**Post ni sepatutnya dh lama xberkesempatan

Actually the last wkend before Ramadhan..kami sekeluarga telah menyertai satu program bersama club office hubby yg dinamakan sehari bersama Anak2 yatim Ummul Qura'. Terletak di Bukit Beruntung, rumah perlindungan ni agak terpencil and berkedudukan strategik utk penghafaz2 Qur'an mcm adik adik kita ni.Rata2 penghuni rumah ni berumur dlm lingkungan 12-15thn and either mmg anak yatim or drp keluarga yg krg berkemampuan.

Sayu je bila jumpa bbdk ni.Semuanya muka bersih2 je..maybe sb mereka ni hafiz hafizah alqur'an.Byk juga activity yg dilakukan dirumah anak2 ni..activity bermula jam 2pm till 7pm.Bukan saja bbdk ni happy and seronok dgn activity2 ni..Iman pn turut happy! Daddy Iman- as usual..mmg ringan tangan bab2 bergotong royong amal macam ni. alhamdulillah~

Hopefully all the work pays well for the akhirah accounts and the kids were happy enough with our presence that day..Though just a small service, but hopefully they could benefit from that.amen~

Malas nk cerita panjang jomm kita layan gambar2 nya :)


adik2 bernasyid menyambut

sedap juga suara2 diorang ni :)

activity 1-gotong royong rumah boys.

jualan amal pn ada.kuih2 kbykannya bbdk ni buat sendiri :)

brg2 yg disumbangkan proton

mesyuarat nk kemas mana dulu.pilih2 penyapu :)

adik2..mengemas rumput rampai..

1st time merasa naik Exora.Mode: Happy!~

chehcheh..mcm pro dh :)

kami ber3!

the food section.Cooked by kak syikin :)

adik2 before the mini sukaneka. kita senam dulu :)

boys are always boys

Happy jer diorg ni :)

Khusyuk mendengar arahan sukaneka :)

Abg2 and pakcik2nya yg over..hehehe :P

hero malaya

all of us :)

Friday, August 5, 2011

Ramadhan Journey - Day 05

Salam kengkawan!~

Alhamdulilah dh cukup 5hari kita berpuasa hari ni..and 24hari je lg tggal utk Ramadhan.
So far xberpeluang lagi nk berterawikh di suaru Saujana Putra bersama hubby lg as baby Iman kecik Iman and Mommy tggal je lah kat umah tengok desperate housewives :)..huhu~
Dan dlm kelima2 hari ini dgn bangganya nk ckp..every day berbuka lauk beli (ok not a good thing!~) sahur kugagahkan jua memasak utk mkn berdua dikeheningan dinihari yg sejuk..tambah2 sejuk sb dapur rumah kitorg yg kecil comel itu letaknya diluar and hnya berdindingkan grill.xpe..menyediakan hidangan bersahur and even bangun bersahur itu sendiri memperbanyakkan pahala ameeeeen...insyallah target ramadhan kali ni, antaranya-menyediakan sahur for en suami for all 30 days of Ramadhan!~

Antara bende yang suka ttg bulan puasa ni ialah.cpat je masa berlalu-Kejap je dh weekend. (even kkdg nk tggu azan walhal dh kul 7pm terasa mcm berejam jam..huhu).Insyallah weekend-target saya ialah untuk memasak!! Puding cocktail faveret suami..then choc cake kukus amek resipi drp afni yg dia amek dr sini!Dah pernah try last 2weeks! hasilnya sgt sedap! wajiblah buat lagi :)

Iman pula last two nites activitinya ialah berguling2 masuk bwh meja..bwh tv..tup tup dh smpai tepi sofa!..alahai anak mommy.dh bergolek2 dh dia..amaran pertama utk kerapkan mengemop..before dia start mengensot and merangkak. mengengsot skrg hny dlm gear reverse lg..lomm dh nk mula tonggeng2 angkat bontot..ok can do it.. Seronok rasa hati bila anak dh makin membesar ;) Ingat nk mulakan solids dlm masa nantila..ntah apa yg ditunggu pn takpelah..nantilah :)

That's all for a gloomy Jumaat.Syahdu je bila kat luar mendung di ptg2 jumaat macam ni.

Selamat Berpuasa & tingkatkan amalan di bln Ramadhan :)
Recent pic of us in Rumah anak yatim Ummul Qura-Iman xmau tgk cam :)


Wednesday, August 3, 2011

kalau la kan..

Kalau la betul berpuasa itu tidak memberi kesan kpd penghasilan susu ibu..knp dlm Islam, golongan ibu menyusu dan mengandungkan anak diberikan keistimewaan utk tidak berpuasa..

Ha..tentu ada sebab-sebabnya kan?
So, siapa yg ckp susu ok je w/pn berpuasa.
Jangan tipu diri sendiri.

Renung-renungkan and jgn malas2 mengepam susu di office ya..
Sb memberi susu kpd anak besar pahalanya


Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Ramadhan Journey - Day 02

Alhamdulillah-fasting yesterday went well..very well actually and I really enjoyed it! :) :)
Actually, being in Ramadhan itself makes you feel there's something light and special happening all around you..all the religious activity..and at the end of the day-the Bazaar Ramadhan.
The whole experience is actually a celebration in total.A celebration of the holy month :)

As for me, it is the 1st Ramadhan for us with Baby Iman.

We tried to let him sleep before that we could enjoy the food without him fussing around..payah sikit as Iman loves to be on one of our laps and start pounding on the grab the eye-catching HOT food on table.Bukan xmau bg tapi most of the things on the table are very very dangerous..cthnya my hot tea.or the fork..haa..even the sambal is dangerous for a 5mth old baby.So far we haven't yet officially introduec hime to solid pisang lenyek2, or mashed potato adalah. And he looooovves it! Good boy!~ :)

But in the end, he woke up in the middle of our meal..and didnt sleep till 11pm.ala..mommy nak solat terawikh pun Iman dok terjerit2 nangis..sian dia.maybe he just missed me.poor baby..bad me.

Yesterday was a hectic day at work for me..with all the pumpings, i'd only managed to get 10oz in 3 sessions..sedih je.but its ok.alhamdulillah. Need to walk to and fro to the pilot shop ~1km away..and to stay in the protoype shop discussing why my pipes could not fit well.By the end of the day I was totally exhausted.

So, last resort (ye ke??) is just to tapau our iftar menu from the famous alam megah bazaar ramadhan. The crowd was actually like crazy in the 3 rows of many many choices of food.The parking xyah citer la..if you guys are interested, maybe you could try to come there once in a while..its located in seksyen 27, shah alam.Me & hubby biasala klu ke bazaar ramadhan..go for kelantanese food..nasi kerabu-ayam percik..yumyummm.. ;) see how's today will end up.
Hope it will be better than yesterday!

Selamat Berpuasa Folks!~

Love ya all..

Monday, August 1, 2011

Ramadhan Journey- Day 01

Good Morning!!!~~~
Ramadhan kareem to all~

So, spt thn2 sblmnya..kita sume teruja and excited bila Ramadhan dtg :)
And this year lbh bermakna as it will be the first time kami berpuasa bertiga..yeah~
Hopefully everything will go along fine..

So this morning straight from my mom's at Salak Tinggi to Proton..mmg mengantuk.
Yelah dh bedal nasi, sambal sardin, telur dadar, ikan pekasam goreng..dgn nescafe secawan waktu sahur td..mana taknya..mujur jd co-pilot. so bleh la mommy and iman sambung tidor spnjg 1hr journey tu..yeah..!~

Tambah2 pula penat harung laut manusia kat Sogo member's day Sabtu lps xhabis lagi..gila lah..Baju mmg murah gila gila taubat xpergi dh.huhu..tersilap sbnrnya, xtau pn ada member's day sabtu aritu.klu x, sumpah xjejak sume mcm naik hantu..borong borong borong..nak turun escalator pn ada guard jaga mcm polis traffic soh org ke arah jalan yg betul..haha. Nak masuk kna tunjuk card ok..and bleh bw seorg shj non-member bersama.klu xde kad..siap ada sedia satu kaunter paaanjaaang nak buka membership.rm12 je pn setahun, so, org mmg akan join je la.xkan nk patah blk pula dh penat cr parking sume.. baik punya Sogo.padan la every season bleh buat sale gila2 smp 80% off..Mujur juga Iman behave and tegur semua org yg pass by his stroller..alhamdulillah.hehe anak mommy sungguh ramah tamah nanti bleh buka kelab peminat..hehe


Harap2 today everyone's still in the mood to make cars as usual..and all of us are being more blessed for our efforts in Ramadhan yg penuh ranjau duri ni..

Tp pg2 ni pun masuk2 ofis dh terasa sejuk A/c membaham tulang..duduk on pc, sambil berfikir berkira2 buka puasa nti nk masak apa....hehehehe. Lagi mau bising2 psl productivity in Ramadhan.

Selamat Berpuasa kawan2!~
May this year be better than last year's Ramadhan-Insyallah :)