Friday, May 27, 2011

Iman sayang mommy (^_^)V !!~

Iman is 3 already!~
Err..last week :)

Mommy's sunshine

Current favorite pastime : makan tangan!!~

Konfius la..mommy buat apa ni? ;)

Peace! Coolfever is so cool!For demam dudes.. ;P

Mommy, are we there yet?Iman nk jmp doc :)

Blame the internet connection in office for not updating bout your 3mths milestone baby!~
Love your your baby talk.

Mommy loves you.. sooooo much!:)

It's May the's anniversary time!~

 Thank you Allah for this prosperous year.
Alhamdulillah...just grateful to always have you by my side.
And to have our 3mth old bundle of joy joining to colour our lives..

27.05.2011 (kinda..!)

May this love that gathered us together last for us.
Till death do us apart.



ps- I think I look less tembam then back then.huhu~

Saturday, May 21, 2011

happy mode :)

happy birthday dear hubby...

hope all your wishes come true.
and all your worries go away.

and you become a good daddy to our beloved son as you always do.
and i'll be always by your side.
in whatever you do.

thank you for always being there for me
trough my good and bad
through my ups and downs
my glee and sorrow
thank you for accepting me just the way i am

may Allah always guide us both in His true path.
guide our marriage in highest bliss
till death do us apart


i love you so much

mr Zulhalimey Zulkipli

your truely wifey


Friday, May 20, 2011

i love fridays!~

Mmg seronok rsnya bila esoknya cuti.
Xyah bgn awal, siap2 kelam kabut.
Nak ke tempat keje.

Boleh relax kat umah.kemas2.
Main dgn anak.Tgk tv all day long.
Ataupn cuba resipi terbaru dlm koleksi yg baru di copy paste print kat ofis the day before.

Bila fikir2 bestnya hidup as a fulltime housewife.
Tp klu dh jd housewife..nti mst terfikir pula, bestnya berkarier.
Alahai, dasar menjadi manusia.Begitu susah nk bersyukur.

Pokok pangkalnya : to live the best of what we have now.
Klu yg bekerja, bekerja rajin2.klu yg belajar, belajar rajin.
Klu yg menyuri rumahtangga..berkhidmat serajin mungkin.
Mmm..khidmat pd anak and suami.

Well to me, being a hsewife adalah pengorbanan yg plg tggi.
To put on hold your own dreams, to raise a child of yours.
Zuriat warisan suami.
Yg bw nama suami. far I xmasuk dlm golongan tu lagi..
still asyik mengejar impian and cita2.
But still working women can raise their own youngs kan?(Tu yg i berkeras sgt masa MIL minta hantar Iman ke kampung.big NO-NO!spoiled weih anak bila dok dgn grandparents!)
Well, my mom did.Love you mom!
You raised me well :)

Byk pula ramblings ditghari jumaat yg sejuk beku sebab hujan lebat kat luar ni.

Looking forward for great weekend!
Birthdays,gathering days,family days!

Project weekend ni :

Hubby's Birthday!

Rashidah's Wedding.
Yeah..time for a small gathering and a whole lot of gossiping.yihhaaa!

Zaynab's Merisik Ceremony.
Yeah lil sista's di intai org!~

Ok la.stop.membebel ntah pape.
Xpela, sendiri tulis, sendiri baca~



Tuesday, May 17, 2011

desperate working-wife

Awaiting for this 21st!~ Zulhadzrey Iman nyomel2 will be 3mths old.
Daddy sweety pula will become 25!..hehe mudanya daddy.
Mommy juga yg dh tua.
Xpe..bila org tgk kita still ingat kita sebaya.haha~

Perkembangan yg best skrg -pumpin' session xlah menghampakan as br2 pas kna denggi aritu.
Pump2-hasilnya? 1oz?
Sekali sedut je bdk Iman tu dh abes dgn 1oz.
After ambil multivits ni alhamdulillah every session pun at 4oz.Every 2-3 hrs.
So daily dh bleh accumulate ~28oz.
Ok lah tu..Alhamdulillah.Rezeki Iman.

Yg bestnya most days dh bleh exclusively BM.But some days still kna top up with FM by 1feeding.
Which is an achievement la for me.Yeah!~
Alhamdulillah..I'll berusaha lagi till Iman dpt exclusively BM w/pn expressed.
Coz now I'm in the 'Exclusive Expressing' gang!~
hehe..mcm gangster plak.

I dont know if in avg 25-28oz tu sket or byk for a 6++kg baby aged 2.5++mths.
But that's what he drinks.Seemin gly mcm satisfy enough dh jer.
Tp klu terbyk minum jd baby gemuk ke nti?
Terkurang minum mungkin x la kot sb nmpk cm makin tembam  je anak mommy ni..mcm mommy nya juga!~

Result to byk expressing sessions..mommy pn mkn amaaaatla byk skrg!
Aish!mcm mana nk kurus ni?
Baru berangan nak jd hot mommy.huhu~

Mm..tgh berfikir mcm mana nk tggal Zulhadzrey Iman 2wks nk ke UK this coming June.
Tggal 12hrs kat umah pengasuh pn mommy dh rindu..Boss mcm hint baik punya soh g juga join testing model latest proton ni.But I have other plans..

Terpaksa durhaka la nmpk gayanya.Nti kat sana sy xleh concentrate..teringat kat baby.
And emosi terganggu..acheh.
Org2 kat Mesia lbh memerlukan sy..and daddy nya..hehe daddy nya juga semestinya.

So KIV dulula kot nama sy utk join test June ni.Klu bleh la..
Mcm xbleh je~

Ok.emotion breakdown la daku kat sana nti.
Berlagu sepi.
Last yr kna g time tgh honeymoon mood lg.
Tgh mabuk.Mabuk bwk baby.Mabuk bercinta pn xhabis2 lagi.
Kali ni mabuk rindu kat baby la plak..
Takut tgguh yr mabuk baby 2nd plak..opppss

Nak buat cmne tuntutan keje.
Klu xleh nk jauh dgn anak-keje dr umah je.jual kek dr intenet.
jual baju je ke..jd fulltime blogger ke.


OK mommy,kuatkan semangat!
Kita kan buat kete utk negara!

Kna bwk bekal video Iman byk2 la cenggini.
Buat bekal mommy tido mlm2.Video daddy pn kna ada.


Monday, May 16, 2011

life's a rollercoaster

Lotsa things happen this week yg membuatkan aku rs cm tergolek2(tergolek?),
Most of it happy la..but some mmg menyedihkan.
Meh kita buat list la so that xdelah nulis panjang lebar.

1. Zulhadzrey Iman si bdk debab2 dh pandai meniarap-and menelentang blk lepas meniarap.yeay! Dia juga dh pandai senyum smpai telinga bila org agah dia..hehehee.best2.cuma gelak terkekek2 je lum pandai lagi..bila sembang siap jerit2 lagi..happy.Mommy dia lagi happy! I love cerita milestone baby..mcm every development adalah happiness..yeah!!

2. Susu dh bertambah2Alhamdulillah murah rezeki anak Mommy!~ Alhamdulillah..kna istiqamah, eat up the vits, mkn mkanan berkhasiat and menambah susu, and berdoa.Yeah. Keep up the pumpin' zara!!!

3.Dapur gas tersumbat :(
Then dpt dapur gas baru..yeah!Ada cerita disebalik dapur gas baru nih.nti kita citer yer..

Cerita xbest plak.

4. MIL stroke -both legs dh xbleh gerak.sgt sedih :'(
sebab ms dlm pantang dialah yg ke hulu hilir jg mkn pakai I and Zulhadzrey Iman. Bila tgk dia terlantar, sgt2 sedih..smp I xleh dkt dgn dia. Takut menangis.Nak blk selalu jengok, Pasir Mas Kelantan adalah 9jam jauhnya dr Bandar Saujana Putra. Zara mendoakan kesejahteraan mama sokmo. Moga Allah permudahkan and menyembuhkan kesusahan mama. Amen~

5. A good friend of mine nk file kan divorce. know who you are.
Girl, be strong!~ Though I'm not supporting divorce, I'm not against it either as perhaps this would be the best decision for you. May Allah always bless you and guide you the best for you and your child.Amin.

Ada lagi, tp best kita cut short kat sini dulu kot.
Sbnya-dh abes masa rehat. And diorg dh buka lampu office.Hehe

Till then!Tata.


Thursday, May 12, 2011

wardrobe malfunction!~~

Have you experienced ever, your button on your blouse tercabut?
And you xperasan?

And all the while you have been in and out meetings?
And your blouse had shrinked from its original size after your pregnancy?(hehe :P)
And you have breastfeeding boobs to top that off with?

I have.And I hate that.
Free show anyone?

Sekian terima kaseh.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Monday.Blues, Greens, Reds and Yellows.

Already week 3, but still on Monday Blues mode rindukan anak at work syndrome.
Mmm..pagi2 lagi la..mcm xmau lepaskan dia ke tgn pengasuh.just hoping he's in good hands and Allah will always protect him from marabahaya and khianat manusia. I thing that's the most common doa all Mom's will wish for their young.

Speaking of which, yesterday was Mother's day!
I had a good time at home with my mom. and being a mom for Iman at the same time~
Alhamdulillah.Life's now more complete with Iman.
How was yours?

Just to note that the vitamins from Shaklee I've bought the previous week seems to be working great! Alhamdulillah.Keep on pumping Zahra!Chaiyok2!~ But on the same time I have to admit that I'm now in the comfortable zone to exclusive pumping, that I even stopped trying to offer direct feeding to Iman. OMG! not a good thing. But I'd tried, and only people who are in the same boat understand how it feels when your baby faces 'keliru puting' problem. I know exclusively expressing is much more highly determined and demands higher patience.But ada people/dedicated mom's yg berjaya nurse their babies till 2 yrs. A new challenge for me la mcm ni. Aish~

ok.waktu rehat dh habis.
jomm bekerja semula dgn monday blues mode.
esok bleh tuesday blues plak.
gila down motivasi bekerja.isk3..
teruk btul!~

Sila jgn mencontohi saya.

Yg benar,

Friday, May 6, 2011

Aishhh....zahra o zahra!!~

Hi there! :)

Just wild ramblings I guess for today.A lot happened for these whole 2-3 weeks actually, as I'm still adjusting myself as a working mommy.Penat sehhh...
At nite, I just want my pillow and goodnite sleep :)

Some new improvement : I'm not a zombie no more now!Yeay~
Rsnya pill vits B-complex yg I bought via e-shopping really helps a lot!Shaklee brand.Rasa mcm lbh bertenaga, though mlm2 still kna jg for baby feeding 2-3 times. Bagus2 bleh recommend! I bought it from here.

Last weekend was a 3days weekend sb Isnin cuti ; so we for the 1st time ber3, balik kampung via kereta.9hrs beb! Bkn sekejap..agaknya Iman atas kereta tu dok heran knp tido jaga blk..tdo blk jaga blk..xsmpai2 lagi..hehhehe...

Sempat juga menjejakkan kaki ke Thailand via Mundok (sblah Golok). Baby tggal kat umah mak mertua sb rmai makcik2nya yg bergilir2 nk dokong2 gomol bdk montel tu..1st time naik sampan penambang.Takut juga la..asyik terfikir cmne klu sampan ni karam.padahal perjalanan ke seberang adalah 3min..hahaha.
Atas bot penambang ke Mundok.With hubby;s grandma: mek.

Dah blk kampung : bila blk sini blk poket pn kering la..
So as poket sudah kering hubby dgn slambernya ckp : "Yang, hadiah birthday xde la this yr..tggu gaji boleh ke?"
Hehehe..I pn jwp; "nk hadiah xyah guna duit bleh ke?"
Muka heran, dia tny blk - "Hadiah apa?"
I jwp la blk.."nk MASSAGE satu bdn bleh ke?"

So I dpt la sessi urut ala2 spa lps baby and best!~
Wpn tukang urutnya dh separa jg je dh time best bila skali skala dpt massage free nih.hahaha~

Ok la..till then.Tata!~


Thursday, May 5, 2011

May : Let's celebrate!~

Thursday morning.Birthday morning.
Yes, Im 27. Today.
Birthday present for this year : flat tyre 1st thing in the morning~


Oklah kita citer bende2 best plak.happy mode still ON, sb today's my birthday!yeay!!
Nak celebrate heavy2..duit dh parak sb br pas blk klate..xpe la..tggu birthday hubby dearest 21st ni and anniversary 28th ni.Buat triple celebration.cost down plan.hahaha..

Klu ikutkan, skrg focus point in our familia : Iman. Apa2 pn he should be on highest priority.Nak celebrate2 ni kita cut cost la..kasi jimat sket :)

Mmm..dh lama xcerita pasal Iman. Budak nyomel2 suka ngamuk2 nama Zulhadzrey Iman.
Skrg Iman dh pandai gelak kekek2..and sembang2 baby talk dgn org.Sampai jerit2,angkat2 kepala excited dpt sembang..ahhhhh penghibur hati mommy ni :)

Muka toye kna tarik puting.Pipi mcm shin chan dh~
Mommy tgk Iman ni bleh jd boss la..proactive btul.
Klu anak org lain passive ajer.dok baik2,sorg2..Iman mana bleh ditinggalkan sorang2.dia cpt boring.hehehe (sedapkan hati sendiri bila anak suka berkerenah) ~

Jom citer lagi.
Dua hari lepas, Iman baru cucuk utk 2bln wpn dh 2 bln 1/2..mommy busy syg..sorry!~
Tp kali ni kitorg opt for private clinic jer sb klu KK -aduhai saleha..rmai yg amat!~
Cucuk kali ni Iman nangis sket sb dia sedar time cucuk sket je..mommy peluk terus senyap..terkejut agaknya.dia ingat ada org cubit dia kot..mcm dia slalu jd marah bila dia sedu-sb dia rasa ada org yg khianat kat dia..hehehehe.Aduhai iman~

Hasil pendapatan Iman timbangan kali ini : 5.8kg! Yay! Iman mmg juara!Kering susu mommy dikerjakan.
Yg xbestnya kat private- tu je la.injection and timbang.klu kat KK-ada ukur,APGAR score,ujian dengar,penglihatan semua..xpe la.bila mommy free kita g KK yerr..

Senyum & gelak happy. Akhirnya mommy nk sembang dgn Iman. Asyik sembang dgn daddy jerr..

Hadiah hari jadi Mommy plg berharga thn ni : Iman la~

Thank you Allah for this beautiful baby boy.Our lil precious pride and joy~
Hope you'll always be in His blessings and become a good person one day!

Jelingan romeo Mommy..hehehe :P~

Mommy saayaaaaaaaaaang Iman.
Muah.Muah.Muah :)

ps : Gambar2 kali ni amek dlm kete from Klate to KL.Iman behave je in the 9hrs journey.mana xnyer..tido atas dunlop pillow aka mommy gebu-mmg syiok la dia.heheheh~

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Bukan Kisah Kaisara

Tgh2 asyik mengepam susu - ttba teringat citer zaman dulu.
Zaman Matrik di tgh2 kota PJ 8-9yrs ago..(tua nya aku!~)
Main mercun kat hostel.Berlima.

Tp xleh disclose la siapa2 yg lg berempat tuh.Mana tau korang knal.Rosakla reputasi keayuan diorg skrg..hehehe.

Till kna cekup dgn mak guard.

Siap kna bicara kat mahkamah matriks.Mahkamah disiplin.
Skali satu session dgn bbdk kna tangkap blasah bdk lain and sepasang couple yg kna tgkap khalwat. mcm amat berat kesalahan kitorg!!~
Yg bestnya mercun ialah mercun mancis shj..

Dendanya : RM200 sb mercun tu saya yg bawa!~
Tp xbyr pn smp skrg.. Gila!Im innocent ok.Mercun mancis bleh dikategori kan sbg bunga api tau!~
Hehehe..mujur lepas masuk U.
klu x haihaibyebye la main campus!kna dismiss.

Teringat slh satu psanan hakim kat mahkamah kecik tu - lain kali klu boring sgt mlm2 ramadhan, bwk2 la ngaji rmai2 ke..smayang2 hajat ke..

Mujurla graduate juga aku.
Bila teringat blk bila dh jd mak org ni rs kelakar pulak..hihihi~

Korang pernah? :P

Happy Mother's Day!~~

This year boleh sambut for the first time!


Wpn baby hanya bleh senyum and gelak2 je buat masa ni :)
Xbleh hadiahkan pape utk mommy.hanya senyuman.
Tp dh cukup utk mommy. Iman sendiri adalah hadiah utk mommy tahun ni :)

Bila tah mother's day nya..16May kn? tu adalah hari guru..mmm..

Ok cukup.sila bekerja.sudah habis waktu coffee break pagi.